Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

The future of transplant technology
May 31, 2024

Stem cells have long held the the promise of revolutionising medicine. They're taking a while to deliver on the promise, but two new studies have brought us a little closer.One combats the life-thre

Mailbag: Does the 'sick quitter' effect apply to socialising?
May 31, 2024

A look at some of the Health Report correspondence this week, including research into allergies in adulthood.Plus the "sick quitter" effect and a curious prescription given to the grandmother of on

Bird flu in Australia — how concerned should we be?
May 24, 2024

The latest health news, including the various bird flu outbreaks in Australia and the variants at play.  Also the new, flirtatious subvariant of Omicron is on the rise.

The acne medication that can cause serious harm in pregnancy
May 24, 2024

As oral retinoids become more popular for the treatment of acne, there are concerns the message isn't getting through about the risk of getting pregnant while taking these medications. 

Magic mushroom and LSD deaths in Australia
May 24, 2024

Researchers are hoping to combat the assumption that psychedelics might be 'safer' than other drugs.  A new study has detailed the deaths of 43 people from either magic mushrooms or LSD between 2000

It's easier than you think to lose your 'mental fitness'
May 24, 2024

There are things known to improve your mental wellbeing – keeping a routine, engaging in meaningful activity, making plans and connecting socially. So what happens when you cut back on those things?

Getting ahead of Alzheimer's disease
May 24, 2024

It has long been thought that beta-amyloid is the trigger for Alzheimer's Disease. But now researchers are looking at an even earlier trigger that could lead to treatments that prevent the initial be

A standard to manage sepsis
July 11, 2022

Sepsis is a condition claiming thousands of Australian lives each year, but especially in the early stages its symptoms are very vague. Now, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthca

How best to tackle obesity
July 11, 2022

In 2009 Australia launched a National Preventive Health Strategy with the aim of being the healthiest country in the world by 2020. The strategy focused on tobacco use, alcohol use, and obesity. Altho

Health behaviour of teens in the pandemic
July 04, 2022

One of the measures taken to prevent virus transmission has been social distancing and lockdown, but these can have their own negative health impact. A study on the behaviour of teens undertaken durin