Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Health misinformation and the threat it poses
September 23, 2020

Click-Sick, a three part Science Friction series from ABC Science and ABC Radio National, hunts down the sources, considers the harms, and shines a spotlight on fake health claims.

The curious case of coronavirus and mink
September 21, 2020

The COVID-19 virus almost certainly came from bats, jumping from an animal species to us humans.

This gene variant increases your risk of Alzheimer's, but protects against other diseases
September 21, 2020

While there are very few genes which could be called Alzheimer's genes, there is one in particular which is known to increase your risk.

When doctors miss what's wrong with you
September 21, 2020

Each year in Australia, mistakes in diagnosis account for an estimated 21,000 people being harmed, up to 4,000 deaths and many malpractice claims.

Diet vs weight — which matters more?
September 21, 2020

When it comes to predicting health risk, what’s more important: what you eat or what you weigh?

Could a blood test predict someone's risk of psychosis?
September 14, 2020

Abnormal sleep patterns might be one way of helping early detection but another could be a blood test, believe it or not.

Disturbed sleep and mental health
September 14, 2020

An Australian study of day and nighttime sleeping problems in teenagers and young adults has shown a subsequent risk of potentially serious mental health issues such as psychosis.

New registry calls on Australians to join clinical research
September 14, 2020

The George Institute has launched a project called Join Us, which aims to recruit a million Australians who consent to be contacted if there's a study they could be involved in.

How do pandemics end?
September 14, 2020

The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic gives us some clues.

How disease detectives trace outbreaks — introducing Patient Zero
September 09, 2020

Patient Zero is a new podcast from ABC Science and RN that tells the stories of disease outbreaks: where they begin, why they happen and how we found ourselves in the middle of a really big one.