Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Microplastics in seafood
March 01, 2021

Researchers have quantified the amount of microplastic Australians are consuming in their seafood – but what do we actually know about its effect, if any, on our health?

Auckland COVID-19 lockdown
March 01, 2021

Auckland has gone into yet another lockdown because of a growing COVID-19 cluster which started around Valentine's Day. It's yet another cluster where the origin is still uncertain but there are lessons for us -  and in the way NZ is rolling out its vacci

Formulating best outcomes for research funding
February 22, 2021

When it comes to research funding, should allocations reflect the diseases that cause the most death, or the most disability? Ideally we wouldn’t have to choose, but new research in the MJA finds the Medical Research Future Fund allocations haven’t reflec

Type of population considered in oncology trials
February 22, 2021

A Canadian study has shown huge disparities in studies done in rich versus low and middle income countries - LMICs - with potentially enormous consequences.

Formulating best outcomes for research funding
February 22, 2021

When it comes to research funding, should allocations reflect the diseases that cause the most death, or the most disability? Ideally we wouldn’t have to choose, but new research in the MJA finds the Medical Research Future Fund allocations haven’t reflec

Increasing the reliability of cancer trials
February 22, 2021

Most medication trials are paid for by pharmaceutical companies to get their drug registered so it can go on the market. You're probably now an expert in clinical trials, having watched the COVID vaccine studies. But cancer drugs are approved after phase

Mortality and tobacco smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults
February 22, 2021

A study just published internationally has followed the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults for nearly 11 years to see the the impact of smoking and quitting. The results are dramatic and stark.

Q&A: HPV vaccine, restless legs, salt intake, auto-immune diseases, COVID vaccines
February 15, 2021

The human papilloma virus and should men also have the vaccination; the latest on restless legs, whether we should trust sodium studies or are they a red herring; what are autoimmune diseases and why do they never go away; and how does one COVID-19 vaccin

Cholesterol and coronary artery calcification
February 15, 2021

A longer-term follow up study in Finland went for nearly 30 years, and looked at the influence of non-HDL cholesterol within various age groups - assessed against the chance of having signs of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries in mid-adulthood.