Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Health Report - Separate stories podcast

Latest Episodes

Q&A: women in clinical trials; confusing vaccine advice; where to send our limited supplies?
July 19, 2021

Each week, Norman and Tegan answer questions you send in to the Health Report inbox. To submit a question, email

Managing finite resources in a worsening outbreak
July 19, 2021

Supplies of Pfizer are due to ramp up in the coming months, but people are at risk of infection now. So how do you best manage a finite resource when you're dealing with an outbreak?

Review of COVID research exposes waste and missed opportunities
July 19, 2021

Since the pandemic started there's been a substantial flurry of clinical trials, but an analysis out today in the Medical Journal of Australia has shown a disturbing degree of poor science, waste and

Low value care has little benefit and patients agree
July 19, 2021

Low value care is a term in medicine that describes procedures and tests that have little if any benefit, waste money and can do harm. So what drives doctors to recommend these for patients and what

What can parents do to prevent kids misusing alcohol and drugs?
July 19, 2021

It's an issue that causes angst for a lot of parents - how to protect kids from experimenting with and misusing alcohol and drugs. Parents often feel helpless in the face of media and peer pressure,

What will it take to bring the NSW outbreak under control?
July 12, 2021

Modelling by the Burnet Institute has used data from last year's Victorian second wave and worked out what the effects would be of various restrictions and levels of lockdown with a delta variant outb

The origins of SARS-CoV-2
July 12, 2021

A team of international scientists has tried to settle the debate about the origins of the Covid-19 virus by bringing together the current evidence.

Protection against COVID for people with blood cancers
July 12, 2021

New research published in The Lancet Haematology has found that people with blood cancers, and in particular those on certain treatments, had lower antibody responses to the Pfizer vaccine. So what do

Can exercise counter the health problems caused by poor sleep quality?
July 12, 2021

We know exercise and sleep are good for us. But just how much of an effect do they have on your risk of dying? And is one more powerful a protectant than the other?

Q&A: protein intake for older people; benefits of low temp cooking; rare vaccine side effects and rapid antigen tests
July 12, 2021

Each week, Norman and Tegan answer questions you send in to the Health Report inbox. To submit a question, email