Healing Ties

Healing Ties

Latest Episodes

Kari Henley Age Without Borders
January 11, 2018

My guest today, Kari Henley is an aging enthusiast and the CEO of Age Without Borders, who has organized a Global Caregiving Virtual Summit featuring over 60 people from 17 different countries that is set to debut on January 20, 2018. Listen in and...

Age Without Boarders with Kari Henley
January 10, 2018

My guest today, Kari Henley is an aging enthusiast and the CEO of Age Without Boarders, who has organized a Global Caregiving Virtual Summit featuring over 60 people from 17 different countries that is set to debut on January 20, 2018. Listen in and...

BeHelpable with Technology
January 03, 2018

We need a better way to learn information and to make it stick! My guests today,Tim Buntel from Helpable, Inc and Dr. Ayanna Thomas from Tufts University join me for a conversation on how assistive technology can BeHelpable as we age. Listen in and...

Aging: 90 Is The New 50!
December 20, 2017

What if your body came with a reset button which could erase cellular damage, stimulate regeneration and cure a wide range of diseases? My guest today, Ira Pastor from Bioquark is developing consumer healthcare products targeting the regeneration and...

Suddenly A Caregiver with Author Robin Albright
December 18, 2017

Thrust into role of a Caregiver for her husband, author Robin Albright's compelling story reminds us that finding our path is a road well traveled. Listen in and learn how Robin's participation in AARP's Caregiver Accelerator program helped get her...

Cut The Clutter with Dr. Jill Bjerke
December 15, 2017

On this episode of Healing Ties, internationally recognized thriving in place, senior safety expert, author Dr. Jill Bjerke provides us with sound advice on how to cut the clutter and keys to thrive as we age. Listen in and learn how Dr. Jill is...

Live A Better Life
December 14, 2017

Bonnie K. Brown is a Certified Medicaid Planner wants you to Live A Better Life by planning carefully, preparing properly while learning how to advocate for yourself. Listen in and learn how Bonnie K. Brown is living a better life while creating...

Weight of Honor Documentary
December 08, 2017

On today's episode of Healing Ties, our special guest is Stephanie Howard, Director and Producer of The Weight of Honor Documentary. The Weight of the Honor Documentary brings the issues of Veternas and their caregivers to life by telling the story of...

Navigating Bereavement
December 06, 2017

Bereavement is a part of life that is personal to each one of us. Motiviated by her own experience, our guest today, Ronnie Genser from Bereavment Navigators is helping people natigate through their grief one step at a time. Listen in and learn how...

Joyful Dental Care with Dr Joy Poskozim
November 21, 2017

Often overlooked, dental care and oral hygiene are critical component to our health and well-being. But what if you can't travel to the dentist? Dr Joy Poskozim has been traveling all over Chicago treating people who cannot come to her! Dr. Joy has...