Healing Ties

Healing Ties

Latest Episodes

How To Be A Happy Healty Caregiver
June 12, 2017

Based on her own personal family caregiving experience, Elizabeth Miller created Happy Healthy Caregiver to help family caregiveres intergrate their caregiving responsibilities into their already busy life. Listen in and learn how Elizabeth Miller...

Long Distance Caregiving
May 22, 2017

Caring for someone can be a duanting task, especially when you are caring for someone who is living in a different city. Our guest today, Lin Sheppard has experineced 5 different long distance caregiving situations and shares her tips with us today...

Reachout and Get The Help You Need
April 17, 2017

Have you ever looked for a way to connect the medcial aspect of healing with the social aspect of healing? Reachout is an intergrated well-being platform that offers social support, medical adherence and holistic healing tools to create a better...

Talking About Hospice
April 07, 2017

Talking about Hospice is often a conversation that is put off until the last moment. Discussing End Of Life care, while difficult, is impoartant. How do we start a conversation abouit Hopsice and End of Life Care? Listen in and learn how to have...

LGBT Elders and the Elder Source Institute of Jacksonville, FL
April 06, 2017

The Elder Souce Institute of Jacksonville has taken a lead role in LGBT Cultural Compentency training for the community in north east Florida and beyond. Listen in and learn how Heidi Katz and the Elder Source Institute is creating Healing Ties all...

MindsEye Radio: Your Virtual Newstand
April 04, 2017

MindsEye Radio brings the written word to the radio airways and is the virtual newsstand for people experiencing blindness, low vision or other physical disability that prevents them from reading. Through MindsEye Radio, listeners feel more connected...

Balancing Work and Family Caregiving
April 03, 2017

Balacing work and family caregiving is a duanting task. My guest today, Anthony Cirillo from The Aging Experience is an aging expert with sound advice for working family caregivers and their employers. Listen in and learn how Anthony is creating...

365 Caregiving Tips for Travel and Respite
April 01, 2017

Caregivers, are you thinking about traveling with your loved one but feeling a little unsure of how to navigate the travel landcape? With 365 Caregiving Tips, you can travel safely and sercurely by land, air and sea. Listen in and learn hour 365...

Nine Critical Tips For Caregivers with Author Christopher Chaney
March 24, 2017

Christopher Chaney is the award winning author of Mama Peaches. Christoper shares his wit and wisdom for worn-out caregivers with his nine critical tips for caregivers. Listen in and learn how Christopher Chaney is creating Healing Ties all around us!

Creating Servant Leaders One Oreo Cookie At A Time
March 23, 2017

Admit It...You love to dig right into the creamy middle section of an Oreo Cookie! But before you can get to the best part, you have to work your way through the top and bottom of the chocolate cookie. Allison Elkow Lazicky from Top Notch Teams,...