Redeemer Rockford Students
Latest Episodes
The Abundance of God's Grace: Ephesians 2:4-10 (HS)
HS = High School. Daniel Ekberk exposits Ephesians 2:4-10 which is all about the abundance of God's grace toward us who believe.
8. God is Love (MS)
MS = Middle School. Pastor JT completes the Attributes of God series with the Love of God. In preparation for Christmas there is no better topic to meditate on then how the Triune God is Love. Love comes to sinners from the Father, through the Son, and by
7. God is Justice (MS)
MS = Middle School. This sermon was preached by Matthew Bloomquist on 11/30/22. The Justice of God is a sweet comfort to believers but a frightening doctrine for non-believers. How can God be Just and yet pardon sinners? This question strikes at the heart
6. God is Sovereign (MS)
MS = Middle School. This Sermon was preached by Gabe Whittaker on 11/17. The sovereignty of God has been a sweet comfort for Christians throughout the centuries. This foundational attribute is vital for young believers to understand and rely on when they
Knowing God: Ephesians 1:15-23
Paul gives a report to the Ephesian church as to what he is praying for. He is praying that they would know God deeply which will result in their sanctification.
The Holy Spirit Applies Salvation: Ephesians 1:11-14 (HS)
(HS = High School)Daniel Eckberg preaches on "Our Sure Inheritance" out of Ephesians 1:11-14. The benefits of Christ's work are applied by the Holy Spirit who seals and garuntees our future salvation.
The Son Accomplishes Salvation: Ephesians 1:7-10 (HS)
Pastor JT expounds on the blessings we have in Christ by virtue of his fulfilling and achieving God the Father's eternal plan to save sinners. Jesus does this by Revelaing our need, Redeeming us, and uniting us to himself.
5. God is Omnipresent (MS)
Scott Kolcharno teaches our middle schoolers the doctrine that God is not spacially limited but is always with us.
4. God is Eternal (MS)
God is eternal and outside time, the creator of time, and the only one who sees both the beginning and the end of time.
3. God is Immutable (MS)
Sermon by Daniel Ekberg God does not change. He stays the same, and this truth has a massive impact on how we view salvation and the Christian life. this is one of the most foundational and comforting truths about our great God.