Redeemer Rockford Students
Latest Episodes
15. No Other Gods: The 10 Commandments (MS)
MS = Middle SchoolScott Kolcharno explains what the first commandment is all about.
The Triumphant King: Ephesians 4:7-11 (HS)
HS = High School Pasotr JT expounds on the victory and the spoils of victory Christ provides for the church.
Walking Worthy: Ephesians 4:1-6 (HS)
HS = High School Pastor Garrett Wishall preaches his first sermon at Redeemer Church on what it means to walk worthy of the Gospel. Ephesians 4 is the beginning of a new section in the letter. Chapters 1-3 are all about God's grace, and Chapters 4-6 a
14. The Law of God (MS)
MS = Middle School Collin Jones opens up our new series through the 10 commanments. IN this sermon he expounds on the purpose fo the law in the life of the believer.
Galentines: Jesus Our Friend
Amy Stelsel teaches on the friendship we have in Christ.
Galentines: Biblical Friendship
Galentines theme this year was on Friendship. Kaitlyn Stead delivered the first message on the difference between good and bad friends.
13. The Fall: Genesis 3 (MS)
MS = Middle School Collin Jones preaches on Genesis 3 on how sin entered the world.
The Power of Christ's Love: Ephesians 3:14-19 (HS)
HS = High School Paul bows his knees to pray for the siants in Ephesus. But why? What are the reasons he prays and what does he pray for?
12. Adam and His Job: Genesis 2:16-17 (MS)
(MS) = Middle SchoolGod entered into a solemn relationship with Adam and gave him a job to do that would effect all of his offspring. If Adam obeyed he would earn eternal life for his offspring and if he didn't he would bring death. Adam fails, but th