Redeemer Rockford Students
Latest Episodes
Learning to Pray (Daniel 9:4-19)
Two weeks ago we looked at what inspired Daniel to pray in Chapter 9. In this sermon Pastor JT analyzes the content of Daniel's prayer in order to give students a template of true confessional prayer.
4. Hell (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9)
This sermon is on the lost and ignored doctrine of Hell. A light view of hell will produce a light view of God's love and grace. Therefore students must be warned of the consequences of their sin. But is Hell really a just punishment? What is it like? Is.
3. Sin (Romans 3:23a)
What is Sin? Why do we sin? and who sins? These three questions are crucial in understanding why Jesus came to earth and died on a cross. Jesus. was. reversing the curse of SIN, which plagues mankind. This sermon is the 3rd sermon in this series and is .
Inspired to Pray (Daniel 9:1-3)
"What a man is in secret, on his knees before God, that he is and no more." - John Owen. Daniel Chapter 9:1-23 takes break from apocalyptic prophecy to zoom in on the intimate prayer life of Daniel. So looking at verses. 1-3 Pastor JT zooms in on what Wh.
2. God's Law (Matthew 22:37-40)
In order to understand the Gospel we must first understand the Law. God's Law is summarized in the 10 commandments, which Jesus summarizes in Matthew 22:37-40. Loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and loving our neighbor as our self is.
The Mercy of Forewarning (Daniel 8:1-27)
Daniel 8 is all about a vision of a coming season of suffering for God's people at the hands of a tyrant king named Antiochus Epaphanes. Antiochus embodies the spirit of the AntiChrist (1 John 2:18) by opposing God, eradicating the worship of God, and by.
1. God (Genesis 1:1,27)
What is the gospel? In this brand new series Pastor JT is attempting to teach the middle school students the most important truths of the Christian faith. The gospel is what separates Christianity from every other worldview or religion in the world. Our .
The Suffering and Triumph of God's People (Daniel 7:1-28)
Are we in the Last Days? Is God really in control of what is going on? Daniel 7 is the most important chapter in all of Daniel and one of the most confusing to interpret. In this Sermon Pastor JT explains how this chapter is meant to comfort and encourag.
The Ordinary Means of Grace: The Lord's Supper (The Baptist Catechism Q107-108)
Question 107: What is the Lord’s Supper? Answer: The Lord’s Supper is a holy ordinance of the church. By eating bread and drinking the cup according to Christ’s appointment we show forth his death. Those who eat and drink in a worthy manner partake of Ch.
The Ordinary Means of Grace: Baptism (The Baptist Catechism Q100-106)
Question 100: What is Baptism? Answer: Baptism is a holy ordinance, in which immersion in the water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, signifies our being joined to Christ and our sharing the benefits of the covenant of grace, and o.