Redeemer Rockford Students
Latest Episodes
Honor Thy Father and Mother
Why should we obey our parents? Why is it so hard? How can we actually do it? Pastor Gabe shares a short message addressing each of these questions before an all-church Prayer Night.
Faith Fight Feast: The King's Pilgrims
Pastor JT Stead exhorts the young men to faithful pilgrims as they travel through this life.
Faith Fight Feast: The King's Soldier
Pastor JT exhorts the young men of Redeemer on how to be the man God has made them to be.
23. Honor Your Master: Ephesians 6:1-9 (HS)
Gabe Whittaker teaches on the biblical role of parents and children and bosses and workers.
22. Husbands and Wives: Ephesians 5:25-32 (HS)
Pastor JT exhorts the young men on how to prepare to be the idael husband.
21. Wives and Husbands: Ephesians 5:22-24 (HS)
Sam Stelsel breaks down this passage for high school students today.
23. Knowing, Loving, Gaurding, and Speaking the Truth: The Ten Commandments (MS)
MS = Middle School Pastor JT Stead preaches on what it means to not bear false witness.
22. Do Not Steal: The Ten Commandments (MS)
MS = Middle School Daniel Ekberg teaches on what the 8th commandment means for believers today.
21. The Sanctity of Marriage: The Ten Commandments (MS)
MS= MIddle SchoolThe 7th command states "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery"
Children of the Light: Ephesians 5:7-21 (HS)
HS = High SchoolGabe Whittaker teaches on what it means to be children of the light.