Talking About Everything with Harry Hawk.

Kahoot: Engagement and Gameplay in Classrooms
Traditional Education is Very Passive
Sitting still at your desk "absorbing" knowledge from teachers is very passive. While students have always been easily distracted, the prevalence of smart phones, and smart watches don't help.
Cahoot - usually used in plural they're in cahoots. He was robbed by a man who was in cahoots with the bartender. - Merriam-Webster
Playing Games in Class
A first blush, it might seem "wrong" (and even a bit odd) that a solution to holding students' attention is gameplay. With 40 million active users, the learning company Kahoot! is happy to be "in cahoots" with students and their teachers to change the way people learn.
Gameplay is Active Learning - Harry Hawk
19th Century Learning
CUNY's disgusted professor Cathy N Davidson has often noted that our current educational system was created in the mid 1800's to train the children of farmers to become factory workers.
This is why our educational system "insists" on work that you do yourself, alone, while sitting quietly at a desk without help from anyone else - Harry Hawk
21st Century Learners
Today's work place is full of collaboration, and self directed learning among multiple stakeholders with various areas of domain expertise solving problems and creating processes that that span teams, departments, and even multiple businesses.
Today workers are expected to band together and solve problems with sustainable multi-stakeholder solutions - Harry Hawk
Kahoot! Knows Games Engage Students
Jamie spoke about the level of fore-thought to build elements into Kahoot! which positively impact classroom dynamics.
Kahoot! encourages players to “look up”, creating an engaged, collaborative and loud learning space - Jamie Brooker
One Game Leads To Another - Which Leads to Learning
Learning is almost always more than a single lesson. Similarly, a properly deployed Kahoot! involves multiple games in the same day or over a number of days or weeks, etc.
Gaming Improves Your Classroom
Kahoot! encourages students to "look up" -- and while offering some light competition students are also encourages to speak with each other, and to even help each other.
Embedding your next video into a game can make it more engaging - Harry Hawk
Kahoot!'s pedagogy encourages learners to make their own games in groups to challenge their peers with, encouraging collaboration and creativity - Jamie Brooker
Making your own game can be a game in itself - Jamie Brooker
Working Together: Gaming + Video
If you already have video lectures, short educational films, or just traditional blackboard lectures they can co-exist with Kahoot!
Storytelling is Synthesis
It can be hard to get students to pull together a set of facts and personal insight and create an original narrative or research paper. Storytelling requires synthesis as does game development.
At their core gaming and video are both environments for storytelling. - Harry Hawk
We tested our gaming environment "Kahoot!" in schools, to prove the engagement model before launching - Jamie Brooker
In this episode I speak with Jamie Brooker the Chief Creative Officer and Founder of Kahoot!. He explains that today Kahoot! has over 15 Million publicly accessible games and 40 Million active users every month.
Business vs. Classroom Communications
If you are a business or communications professional you can use Kahoot!. Try creating a Kahoot! game with your internal team. If you are looking to educate broader external stakeholders around topics critical to your corporate mission Kahoot! can help there too.
Businesses that use Kahoot! will enable us to keep the product free to our educational users - Jamie Brooker