Talking About Everything with Harry Hawk.

Talking About Everything with Harry Hawk.

Talking with Gil Camargo about LGBT life in Mexico City

March 21, 2016

I spoke with Gil Camargo during my January 2016 visit to Mexico City. We talked about gay life, food, culture and so much more. Gil is my friend and the LGBTTTI and Music Editor at for Time Out Mexico City.

You might not expect it, but Mexico's Government has declared Mexico City as officially gay-friendly. Mexico City (know as DF "the Federal District" (and now CDMX) is the largest city in North America and like other large cities: New York, San Francisco, LA, Chicago and Atlanta it's very gay friendly with parades, bars, night clubs and more.

Mexico City also has some of the world's best restaurants (including 3 of the top 50), a great music including massive EDM scene, art, culture, great hotels, friendly people and a culture that stretches over several millennia.

Gil and I had the opportunity to dine at Biko enjoying wine and a 10 course menu. Biko is helmed by European Chefs (Gerard Bellver, Bruno Oteiza, and Mikel Alons) who have made Mexico City their home. Biko is currently rated as the 37th best restaurant in the world.
Images from Biko