The Happiness Playbook

Self Awareness is the Key
Researchers have found that 95% of those polled think they’re self aware but when tested only 10-15% actually are. And that's tricky cause it’s hard to change something that you don’t think needs fixing. Improving our self awareness is worth it though because when we do, we are more in tune with our feelings, thoughts, and actions. Self awareness also helps us identify our strengths and challenges and recognize how other people see us. Without it, we can’t see ourselves clearly and therefore we can’t make make improvements. The key to developing self awareness is finding the method that works for us combined with consistent practice.
Play of the Week: Establish a regular practice of self awareness. This could be focused breath work, yoga, journaling, meditation or spending a few minutes in nature observing the sounds, smells and tactile sensations you are experiencing. Take a few minutes RIGHT now and pick something you will do regularly to strengthen your awareness.