The Happiness Playbook

The Happiness Playbook

Practice Now

February 22, 2023

According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 3  of all adolescents ages 13 to 18 will experience an anxiety disorder, and these numbers are steadily rising. Adults are no better off. How can Play Theory help turn this trend around? Being in the now dissolves anxiety and regret. In this episode we explore 8 ways to practice being more in the now, an essential happiness skill.

Play of the Week: Everyday, take a minute and choose one of the 8 ways to enter the now— and PRACTICE being present. Here's a quick review of the 8 ways: breath meditation, focus on the inner body, focus on touch, recite a mantra, wait for the next thought, be aware of sounds within silence, listen closely to another's words, focus on movement.

8 ways to enter the present moment  by Einzelgänger

Anxiety in Teens is Rising: What's Going On?
