The Happiness Playbook
Ghosts and Ghouls Are Good for You
Theres nothing like a stroll through a graveyard to remind us to stop wasting our time on things that lack real meaning in our lives. The light heartedness of Halloween helps us accept a heavy subject and can help us build the emotional strength needed to face our fears.
Play of the Week: If Halloween is your mojo, go all in and really let go and play. Go big on your costume or decorating your house. Let your imagination run wild. If Halloween’s not your cup of tea, you can still enjoy the autumn chill in the air without the judgement of those who are part of the 10.6 billion dollars spent on this holiday. Instead of feeling irritated with others' choices and the aisles of cheap candy, be curious about why others are so invested in it.
Mr Toad, the Frenchie's October Halloween Costumes