Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #71: 5 Questions to Help You Find Your Passion with @douglasjfoley #Motivation

January 28, 2017

This past year I had the incredible opportunity to interview Jeff Hoffman, founder of Priceline.com on Episode #42 on The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast. It was a conversation that would change my life and helped me understand what is possible when you find your passion and take action.

When I asked Jeff why he chose to become an entrepreneur and what he was most passionate about? His answer shocked me. He always had a dream to visit every country in the world,

Jeff always had a dream to visit every country in the world. One day while at his office, he was on the elevator headed to the 4th floor where he worked. One of his friends and colleagues got onto the elevator, and proceeded to push the 6th floor. When Jeff got to his desk, he realized he had yet to visit the 6th floor of the building to see his friend.

If I can't even get to the 6th floor to see my friend, how am I going to see the world?

Jeff was so determined to see the world, and so passionate about accomplishing that goal, it became the centerpiece of so many businesses. If you pull back the covers of what he has done, you can see how travel is at the core:

Founded Priceline.com
Invented the technology that allows you to print boarding passes at the airport
Founded "Unreasonable At Sea" - a philanthropic mission to solve the world's problems by taking a cruise ship of millennials around the globe to witness and solve the challenges they observed
Jeff was able to build a life around what he loved - and is changing the world in the process.

How can you find your passion and start to change the world on your own terms?

Here are 5 simple questions that you can ask yourself to help you find your passion:
>>What do you read?
>>What do you watch?
>>What do you talk about?
>>What do you write about?
>>What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

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