Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #70: How to build an online business from scratch

January 23, 2017

"The knowledge you need is everywhere around you..."

Imagine building a business so you could be home with your kids, have time freedom, and a decent predictable income...then one day in a single email and it is all gone! That's what happened to this episode's guest!

John Lagoudakis is constantly seeking opportunity. In 1999 he built an IT business to help companies with Y2K. Following that business, he built an affiliate marketing business so he could spend more time with his family, at least until catastrophic changes in Google's ad platform literally killed the business overnight.

Today, John is one of Australia’s leading Internet marketers. He has been awarded a Top 100 Clickbank Affiliate and has been featured on CNN Money, Forbes, Fortune, Inc., Newsweek and the Today Show.

What you will learn on this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>>How to start your own online business
>>The reason you MUST start reading immediately
>>John's favorite books
>>The biggest lessons from entrepreneurial failures