Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #66: How to beat procrastination with Jonathan Bowles (@JonathanBowles)

December 19, 2016

The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast - Episode #66 with Jonathan Bowles

The Best Way to Beat Procrastination

"The Slingshot Show is a challenge to think differently, live adventurously & join an ever-growing network of friends that are fearlessly pursuing their dreams. It will awaken you spiritually and help you find your tribe. Jonathan Bowles is a spiritual pirate and professional encourager. He is a speaker, a coach, and loves to start new things."

For those of you who have been following the show for a while, you know that taking action, is one of the core principals we explore. In this episode, Jonathan explores how he beats procrastination, by living fearlessly.

We share a lot of the same vision of inspiring listeners to pursue their dreams and get very tactical on the shift in mindset that is required for you to start living the life you want.

"Every one of us has a great story to tell that the world will value!"

What you will learn in this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>>How to beat procrastination
>>The need to share your own personal story
>>Why learning to be fearless will accelerate your growth

How to connect with Jonathan Bowles:

To learn more, and get the full show notes visit www.douglasjfoley.com/66