Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #64: How to beat burnout and defeat depression w. Victoria Klein

November 27, 2016

"Always follow your curiosity - follow the excitement"

First and foremost, I have an incredible amount of respect for all of the brave men and women in uniform who serve to protect our freedoms every day. Even more important, are the men and women who support them at home - and today's guest is a military life who found a way to beat the burnout and defeat depression.

VK helps ambitious entrepreneurs organize, prioritize, + delegate seamlessly so they can regain their freedom to take a real, non-working vacation anytime they want to. She accomplishes this with the Behind the Boss Mask podcast, personalized OBM support, + Burnout Busting mentoring.

With 12+ years of entrepreneurial experience, Victoria started her 5th business (VK the VA) in August 2015. Within 3 months, had a full client roster earning nearly $5,000 per month. After 12 months of dedicated client work, she combined her professional + personal knowledge to transition from Virtual Assistant to Online Business Manager, Burnout Busting Mentor, Speaker, and Guest Expert.

What you will learn in this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>>Where burnout comes from
>>How to beat the burnout
>>Why you need to understand "Hustle and Hardwork" and "Working Smart"
>>The importance of curiosity
>>5 Q.U.I.C.K. Steps to finding the perfect VA

To get all the details and notes from the show visit www.doulasjfoley.com/64