Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #53: The Most Epic Podcast of All Time with @averagejoemoney Host of Stacking Benjamins

August 28, 2016

"Feel the fear and do it anyways" - Joe Saul-Sehy, Host of Stacking Benjamins Podcast

I have a big confession to make...

Before recording this episode, I was really struggling with what was next with The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast, do I continue, do I pack it in, do I take some time off?

Fortunately, I interviewed Joe Saul-Sehy, and was instantly motivated by his story.

"At age 40 I sold my successful business...even though things were going really well. I was inspired by a mentor who was actually younger than me who said, "I have other mountains to climb." He then literally went and climbed Everest twice. I decided to become a school teacher, which morphed into a financial blogger, which led to the podcast. A year ago I dumped ALL the other stuff to focus on the podcast and it's been a fantastic move."

What I surprised me in this interview, was the fact that Joe created another podcast with every intention to "kill it." He knew that he had no idea what he was doing when it came to launching a podcast, so instead of letting fear hold him back - he jumped right in and learned quickly. The lessons he learned from TAKING ACTION enabled him to create an award winning podcast in "Hosting Benjamins Podcast," which won the 2014 Plutus Award, given by the financial blogging community, for best money podcast.

The fail fast mentality wasn't the only reason Joe succeeded. He borrowed another great principal from "Austin Kleon's" book; "Steal Like an Artist." He applied this principle of identifying the all of the things he liked and what worked with other podcasts to create "Hosting Benjamins Podcast." This also allowed Joe to build something that he loved to do.

Finally, one of the more fun stories Joe shared was the complete and epic failure Walt Disney had when he opened his amusement parks. Apparently, it was just awful - but the investors and everyone involved were so committed (financially) that they had no choice to continue to fund Walt's dream otherwise they would have lost everything. Failure wasn't an option.

If you're struggling with finding direction, or feel like quitting, this episode will help you turn things around. It's a great story about how Joe built an entirely new business at the age of 40 and is having the time of his life.

Big lessons from this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>How to acknowledge fear, and move forward
>How to "Steal like an artist"
>Why it's ok to start a new business at 40
>How to create a career you will love

To connect with Joe and get some awesome show bonuses (including our 7-day email course) visit www.douglasjfoley.com/53

Until next week, go find your passion, take action and build the life of your dreams!
