Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #50: From near suicide to complete freedom and a 6-figure business (in 3 years)

August 07, 2016

Normally, when I interview guests, there is a typical pattern that goes something like this; they went to school, graduated from university, realized they picked the wrong career and hate the field they are in, and then quit to pursue their passion.

Today could not be further from that pattern!

Today's guest opens with a story about finding love, or so she thought and being left to fend for herself and her children with absolutely nothing - literally begging for just enough money to be passed under the basement door - where she had been relegated too - just to eat.

This level of pain led her to an incredibly dark place, where at times she contemplated suicide just so she and her kids wouldn't have to suffer...

That pain led to one of the biggest revelations, and what is now a 6-figure business.

Milena Cerin is a coach, speaker, and best-selling author. She has built her business on the ashes of personal tragedy and built a 6 figure business in 3 years. She believes living life on purpose is what brings happiness and success. Her message is that everyone has a voice.

I could not more thrilled than to share this as my 50th episode because it is one of the most vulnerable, heart-warming and motivating interviews to date!

What will you learn in this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
>How to live life on purpose
>The reason you must embrace your childlike curiosity
>How gratitude saved Milena's life
>How to discover the unique gift inside each and every one of us

To connect with Milena and get the full show notes visit www.douglasjfoley.com/50