Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP Bonus Episode: The Most Simple Way to Build a Successful Business

May 23, 2016

If you ask an underdog why the succeeded, the likely answer...

they didn't have a choice!

In this bonus episode of The Happiness of Pursuit podcast, I'm going to share some of the insights I gained after 7 years of procrastination and failure and how you can set yourself up for success.

What can you learn from this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:

I wanted to distil these lessons into something that you can apply immediately to build a successful business, and start living the lifestyle of your dreams.

IMPORTANT: You MUST write these down - it’s far more impactful than doing it digitally, trust me - that 7 years of failure was from going digital, go old school on this one!

1. Write down exactly what you want - and be specific - the clearer this vision is, the more chance you have of finding it (if it’s your dream job, where is it, who is your boss, how many people report to you, what does your average day look like, what does your best day at the job look like, what’s your title, what do you wear to work, who are your customers…you get the idea).
2. What’s holding you back from getting there? Be honest with yourself. If it’s self-doubt or lack of confidence write it down. I have seen people with the WORST situations make miracles happen - they are around us every day - what’s important is for you to understand HONESTLY, what’s holding you back so you can start to eliminate it. This might even be some of the relationships with your closest friends that are holding you back - just be real with yourself!
3. What is the one thing you can do as soon as you finish writing down steps 1 and 2 that will move you closer to your goals? Don’t waste your time planning, especially DO NOT write a business plan. Make this a super simple, easy to accomplish step. For example, if you’re trying to land that dream job, make it a goal to reach out to 1 person from the company to inquire about what it’s like to work there. The important thing is doing this RIGHT NOW - like literally, do not waste ANY TIME - you need to start building momentum and these little wins will go a long long way…

To prove how willing I am to help you reach your goals - send me a photo, a screenshot, or any proof that you completed step #3 and I’ll schedule a 30 minute call with you to help you with whatever it is you’re stuck on - better yet, tag the post on Twitter or Instagram with #HOP and @douglasjfoley and I’ll make it a full hour!

To get all the details head over to www.douglasjfoley.com/40bonus

For access to the 7-day e-mail course to help you land your dream job visit www.douglasjfoley.com/platformplaybook