Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #35: How to effectively communicate across generations with Jessica Stollings

March 13, 2016

Have you ever been in a meeting with a boss, or colleague that is much older (or much younger), and you just can't seem to get your point across? No matter which angle you try to take there seems to be this wall that neither side can break through.

This is exactly how Jessica Stollings started her career. When she launched her career, she couldn't understand the lack of feedback she was looking for from her boss, and when she did get feedback it made her seem as if she was a complete failure. That led to a unique journey where she would spend an hour a week, which spawned from a Starbucks Gift card from a friend, to do research into the challenges in communication between generations.

What amazed me about Jessica's story is how she took a personal struggle and turned it into a business.

What you will learn on this episode of The Happiness of Pursuit Podcast:
-How listening can help bridge the communication gap
-The value of committing 1 hour per week to discovering your passion
-The importance of being discipline (week after week)
-Why understanding how generations communicate can have a huge impact on your career

To learn more, and connect with Jessica, visit www.douglasjfoley.com/35

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