Happiness of Pursuit

Happiness of Pursuit

HOP #30: 8 Huge Life Lessons from my Guests [Plus a Big Announcement]

February 01, 2016

These past six months have been a manifestation of what it means to find a passion and take action. I had put off launching this podcast for a little over 8 months for so many b.s. reasons. Literally, I had every bad excuse, but I realized that I wasn’t the only person making excuses and it was time for me to just “burn the boats” and just do it!

With a 15-month-old and another one on the way, I jumped in. I knew that if I didn’t start, I would put it off forever and would be kicking myself year after year as the excuses would pile up.

Today’s episode is a recap of some of the greatest life lessons I have learned over the last 6 months, plus a few big announcements.

8 Major Life Lessons I learned from Podcast Guests:
1. I need to learn to ride a bike!
2. How to bounce back, no matter what the circumstance.
3. How to GO FOR IT!
4. Embrace your inner childhood curiosity.
5. The importance of authenticity.
6. Have a clear vision.
7. Focus on value, not income.
8. Finding your Passion and Taking Action!

Thanks to all of my guests, the listeners, and mostly to my wife for making it possible for me to chase my dreams and share my expertise and time with the world!

I am so excited to continue this journey with all of you. We have some amazing guests scheduled this year.

To see all the details, and see my big announcements, check out www.douglasjfoley.com/30 .