Hands on Apologetics

Hands on Apologetics

Latest Episodes

28 Feb 22 – Mark McNeil: Saint Thomas Aquinas
February 28, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Begging the Question - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope St. Clement of Rome - 2, 3, 4) Interview

25 Feb 22 – William Hemsworth: 1 John and Eternal Security
February 25, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (propaganda) Demoralization - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Aphraates the Persian Sage - 2, 3, 4) Interview

24 Feb 22 – Karl Keating: Storm, Sun, and Solitude
February 24, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Hasty Generalization - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Gregory of Nazianzus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

23 Feb 22 – Matt Swaim: Saint Polycarp
February 23, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Abusive Fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Optatus of Melivis - 2, 3, 4) Interview

22 Feb 22 – Arthur and Theresa Beem: The Sabbath in Christianity
February 22, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Etymological Fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Augustine of Hippo - 2, 3, 4) Interview

21 Feb 22 – Bruce Sullivan: Indissolubility of Marriage and the Eucharist
February 21, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Slippery Slope Fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Peter of Alexandria - 2, 3, 4) Interview

18 Feb 22 – Kenny Burchard: Prayers to the Saints
February 18, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (Propaganda) Plain Folk - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Ephraim - 2, 3, 4) Interview

17 Feb 22 – John Martignoni: Blue Collar Apologetics
February 18, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Non-sequitur - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Gregory of Nyssa - 2, 3, 4) Interview

16 Feb 22 – Hugo Delgado: Is our Righteousness as Filthy Rags?
February 16, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Questionable Cause - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pacian of Barcelona - 2, 3, 4) Interview

15 Feb 22 – Bryan Mercier: Peter and the Rock of Matthew 16
February 15, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope Innocent - 2, 3, 4) Interview