Hands on Apologetics

Hands on Apologetics

Latest Episodes

28 Apr 22 – Janet Morana: Prolife Apologetics for Teens
April 28, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy:Tu Quoque - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Socrates Scholasticos - 2, 3, 4) Interview

27 Apr 22 – Father Chris Alar: Marian Apparitions No One Has Heard of
April 27, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Poisoning the Well - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Epitaph of Abercius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

26 Apr 22 – Karl Keating on Philip Hughes’ Church History
April 26, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Post Hoc Cum Propter Hoc - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Leontinus of Byzantism - 2, 3, 4) Interview

25 Apr 22 – Bruce Sullivan Conversion Story
April 25, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Nirvana Fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Letter to Diognetus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

22 Apr 22 – Bryan Topham: Explaining Mary to Protestants
April 22, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (Propaganda) Paltering - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Minucius Felix - 2, 3, 4) Interview

21 Apr 22 – Keith Nester: Three Things All Catholics Must Do Right Now
April 22, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Strawman fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Sozomen - 2, 3, 4) Interview

20 Apr 22 – Hugo Delgado: Protestant Theology’s Most Difficult Bible Passages
April 20, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Accident - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Theophilus of Antioch - 2, 3, 4) Interview

19 Apr 22 – John Martignoni: Blue Collar Apologetics
April 19, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Zachary of Mitylene - 2, 3, 4) Interview

18 Apr 22 – Bryan Mercier: Christ’s Resurrection: Why is it Important?
April 18, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Moving the Goalposts - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Papias - 2, 3, 4) Interview

14 Apr 22 – Sean Hussey: Jesus, The Emmaus Road and the Eucharist
April 14, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Genetic Fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Macarius of Magnesians - 2, 3, 4) Interview