Hands on Apologetics

Hands on Apologetics

Latest Episodes

27 May 22 – John Martignoni: Blue Collar Apologetics
May 27, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (Propaganda) Bandwagon Propaganda - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope St. Damasus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

26 May 22 – Phillip Campbell: A Catholic Approach to History
May 26, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Wishful Thinking Fallacy - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Apostolic Constitutions - 2, 3, 4) Interview

25 May 22 – Kenny Burchard – Are Crucifixes Biblical?
May 25, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Vacuous Truth - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pelagius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

24 May 22 – Karl Keating: Sheed’s What Difference Does Jesus Make?
May 24, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Misleading Vividness - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Saint Prosper of Aquitaine - 2, 3, 4) Interview -  

23 May 22 – The Birth of the Secular State
May 23, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Circular Reasoning - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Cyprian of Carthage - 2, 3, 4) Interview

20 May 22 – Bryan Topham – The Physical Church
May 20, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (Propaganda) Misuse of Relative Terms - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Evagrius of Pontus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

19 May 22 – William Albrecht: Theistic Apologetics
May 19, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Argumentum ad Populum - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Apostolic Canons - 2, 3, 4) Interview

18 May 22 – Mark McNeil: Saint Thomas Aquinas
May 18, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Argumentum ad Baculum - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Caelestius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

17 May 22 – Bryan Mercier: Apologetics on Suffering
May 17, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Quoting Out of Context - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Leporius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

16 May 22 – Bruce Sullivan: Christ in His Fullness
May 16, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: False Attribution - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Origen - 2, 3, 4) Interview