Hands on Apologetics

Hands on Apologetics

Latest Episodes

14 Oct 22 – Bryan Topham: Why Don’t We Live Like Hell Exists?
October 14, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Loaded Language (propaganda) - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope Damasus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

13 Oct 22 – Kenny Burchard: “The Protestant Reflex”
October 13, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Wishful Thinking - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Apostolic Constitutions - 2, 3, 4) Interview

12 Oct 22 – Benjamin Handleman: Are Catholics “Born Again”?
October 12, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Vacuous Truth - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pelagius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

11 Oct 22 – Karl Keating on Chesterton’s Orthodoxy
October 11, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Misleading Vividness - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Prosper of Aquitaine - 2, 3, 4) Interview

10 Oct 22 – Mary, the Promised Sign
October 10, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Circular Reasoning - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Cyprian of Carthage - 2, 3, 4) Gary discusses Mary's role from a biblical view

07 Oct 22 – William Albrecht: The Eucharist in the Early Church (Pt. 2)
October 07, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Propaganda: Appeal to Plain Folks - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Evagrius Ponticus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

06 Oct 22 – William Albrecht: The Eucharist in the Early Church (Pt. 1)
October 06, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Argumentum ad populum - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Apostolic Canons - 2, 3, 4) Interview

05 Oct 22 – The First Gospel (Genesis 3:15)
October 05, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Argumentum ad Baculum - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Caelestius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

04 Oct 22 – Pat Flynn: Defending the Existence of God
October 04, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Quoting out of context - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Leporius - 2, 3, 4) Interview

03 Oct 22 – Ken Litchfield: Answering Common Objections
October 03, 2022

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: False Attribution - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Origen - 2, 3, 4) Interview