Hands on Apologetics

Hands on Apologetics

Latest Episodes

20 Feb 23 – William Albrecht: Christology, Continued
February 20, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Circular Reasoning - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Cyprian of Carthage - 2, 3, 4) Interview

17 Feb 23 – Bryan Topham: Prayer After Becoming Catholic
February 17, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (propaganda) Love Bombing - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Evagrius of Pontus - 2, 3, 4) Interview

16 Feb 23 – Hugo Delgado: Is Our Righteousness as Filthy Rags?
February 16, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Questionable Cause - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pacian of Barcelona - 2, 3, 4) Interview -

15 Feb 23 – Bryan Mercier: Peter and the Rock of Matthew 16
February 15, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope Innocent - 2, 3, 4) Interview

14 Feb 23 – Ken Hensley: Faith Alone
February 14, 2023

Today's Topics: 1) Finding the Fallacy: Pooh Pooh Fallacy Meet the Early Church Fathers: Council of Elvira 2, 3, 4) Interview

13 Feb 23 – Mark McNeil: Saint Thomas Aquinas
February 13, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: False Attribution - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Origen - 2, 3, 4) Interview

10 Feb 23 – William Albrecht: Christology, Part 2
February 10, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: (Propaganda) Grabbing the Rhetorical Middle - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Basil the Great - 2, 3, 4) Interview

09 Feb 23 – Karl Keating: Catholic Apologetics Classics: The Works of David Goldstein
February 09, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Judgmental Language - Meet the Early Church Fathers: The Sacramentary of Serapion - 2, 3, 4) Interview

08 Feb 23 – Vanessa Forsblad: Answering Youth Questions
February 08, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Julian of Eclanum - 2, 3, 4) Interview

07 Mar 23 - Globalist New World Order: Marks of the Anti-church of Satan
February 07, 2023

Today's Topics: - 1) Finding the Fallacy: Courtier's Reply - Meet the Early Church Fathers: Pope Celestine I - 2, 3, 4) Interview