Handsome Boys Comics Hour

Latest Episodes
300 – Crisis on Infinite Earths by Wolfman & Perez (w/ Lan Pitts, Raven Smith, Matt Hamm, Freddie Yeti, & Andrew Bloom)
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are joined by a cavalcade of multiversal guests to discuss Crisis on Infinite Earths! They talk about its importance in the landscape of comics, the multitude of event
299 – The Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie talk about The Underwater Welder this week! They touch on Lemires grotesque but perfect art, themes of fatherhood, and about comics as literature. They also review Ca
298 – Punisher Epic Collection Vol 1
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie talk about The Punisher in this weeks episode! They talk about what the character is, the bizarre variety of villains, and contrast him with Daredevil! They also revi
297 – Rorschach by King & Fornes
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie discuss Rorschach by Tom King and Jorge Fornes this week! They talk about the themes of radicalization, the analogues to real life people, and its connection to Watchm
296 – God Loves, Man Kills by Claremont & Anderson
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are talking about the seminal X-Men graphic novel this week! They talk about the prevalence of social issues in comics, if the X-Men are still equipped to handle these
295 – The Way of the Househusband Vol 1-5 by Kousuke Oono
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie talk about The Way of the Househusband this week! They talk about the incredible gags, the juxtaposition of a former yakuza in domestic situations, and the great art!
294 – Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie talk about The Longbow Hunters this week! They talk about Grells nostalgic art, the place it has in the changes in the comic landscape, and its thoughtful nature! The
293 – 1963 by Moore, Veitch, & Bissette
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are talking about 1963 this week! Not the year, but the comic book! They talk about Moores penchant for deconstruction, the influence hes had on comics, and what the
292 – Die Vol 1-3 by Gillen & Hans
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are talking about Die this week! They discuss the incredible cast of characters, the definition of an auteur, and Gillens place among the best writers today. They als
291 – Ranma 1/2 Vol 1-6 by Rumiko Takahashi
Hey Handsomites! Eric and Robbie are discussing Ranma 1/2 this week! They talk about Takahashis excellent art, the balance of tone in the martial arts romantic comedy, and the lovely cast of characte