Ham Radio Podclass 2016

Ham Radio Podclass 2016

Latest Episodes

November 14, 2016


73 and Thanks For All the Fish
August 03, 2016

That was a quote from and the title of one of the Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy books (paraphrasing). All that to say I’m not going to be able to do the new version of the Ham Radio Podclass.  I will leave this site here for a while.

Ham Radio Podclass Reposted!
November 14, 2014

Over the years, John Martin, KF8KK and Me, Mike Dell, K8LMJ (ex N7LMJ) get periodic inquiries about the old Ham Radio Podclass that we did a few years ago. It was the first podcast that taught you what you needed to do to pass the Technician and Gener...

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 01
November 17, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #1. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 02
November 16, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #2. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 03
November 15, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #3. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 04
November 14, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #4. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 05
November 13, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #5. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 06
November 12, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #6. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.

Ham Radio Podclass Tech – 07
November 11, 2012

This is a repost of the Tech Class Ham Radio Podclass #7. by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ - *** This material is useful, but the questions for the US Amateur Radio tests are out of date. See; http://www.arrl.