Hallway Chats

Hallway Chats

Latest Episodes

Episode 176 – A Chat With Nancy Lyons
November 16, 2023

Nancy Lyons is the CEO and co-founder of Clockwork, an enterprise web development company in Minneapolis MN. We've known her through the internet for years, and it was a delight to get to talk to her

Episode 175 – A Chat With Evelyn Maina
August 24, 2023

Evelyn is a very unusual guest in that we brought her into the WordPress community! Years ago when Liam and Tara started this podcast they hired Evelyn as their transcriber. Since then, Evelyn has got

Episode 174 – WordCamp Birmingham Hallway Chats
August 10, 2023

In February Topher and Cate went to WordCamp Birmingham and Topher was able to interview both Aisha Adams and Marcus Burnette in the hallway.

Episode 173 – A Chat With Robert Devore
July 25, 2023

Believe it or not, this is Robert's second time on Hallway Chats! His first was back in 2017 with Liam and Tara. Since Ny and Topher had never talked to him on here, we decided to give it another go!

Episode 172 – The Hallway Chats Of WordCamp Italy
July 06, 2023

In November 2022 Topher went to WordCamp Italy in Milan. While there he had conversations with James Baldacchino, Luisa Ravelli, Caroline Crossland, Paolo Scala, and Samah Nasr.

Episode 171 – A Chat With Benjamin Zekavica and Moritz Bappert
June 22, 2023

Topher and Sophia met with Benjamin Zekavica and Moritz Bappert, both WordCamp Europe 2023 volunteers.

Episode 170 – A Chat With Evangelia Pappa, Lena Lekkou, Hacer Yilmaz
June 15, 2023

Topher and Sophia met with Evangelia Pappa, Lena Lekkou, and Hacer Yilmaz, all three WordCamp Europe 2023 Organizers.

Episode 169 – A Chat With Amy Kamala
June 08, 2023

Topher and Sophia met with Amy for the first time in this episode. We talked about WordPress, Linguistics, and WordCamp Europe.

Episode 168 – A Chat With Maestro Stevens
June 05, 2023

Topher and Maestro met at WordCamp Buffalo a few weeks previous, and then conncetted again in Hallway Chats to talk about his WCEU talk.

Episode 167 – A Chat With Iolanda Sequino
April 27, 2023

Topher and Iolanda got some time at WordCamp Italy in Milan to chat about her experiences in WordPress.