Heavy as a Mountain

Heavy as a Mountain

Chapters 6-8 Discussion

February 25, 2022

In this episode Kelly & Lianna discuss Rand's escape to Emmond's Field from his farm after Tam has been wounded. The bombshell that Tam drops on Rand, that he is not Tam's biological son. Rather, he was found as a babe on the slopes of Dragonmount near his dead mother and taken in by Tam and raised by him and his wife, Kari al'Thor. The conversation between our podcast hosts is centered on the concept of identity. Kelly makes a claim as to how he interprets identity as a definition and the forces that govern it. Lianna accepts the core premises and proceeds to elaborate on some nuance she believes important, offering personal experiences that relate with her current understanding of how her identity and interpretation of what identity is were formed.


Kelly and Lianna have disagreement on the strength of identity and its ability to withstand oppressive and malicious forces, especially as it relates with prolonged and continual exposure. They explore examples of real world situations in which a person's identity may have eroded and in others where a person may not have developed any strong opinions and how those situations relate with identity integrity.


All of their discussions on the topic are related back to Rand and his current struggles with this new information dropped on him by his delirious father.