Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Latest Episodes

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 150 – Vote No to King Doric’s Court
May 24, 2015

We're 150! Celeste and Allona are happy to see progress in Lion's Arch and are joined by Ultra, who walks them though all the changes to WvW! Audio Version - What We Did This Week   - Allona STUFF! AND THINGS!

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 149 – Jeepers! Reapers!
May 16, 2015

Celeste and Allona talk more about GW2 elite specialization reveals, include this Thursday's Necromancer Elite: the Reaper! They continue to have brief thoughts about previous Elites … or not so brief in the case of the Chronomancer (coughcoughAllonaco...

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 148 – Extra Butterflies and Longbows
May 08, 2015

Celeste and Allona are back together again to go over what they know about the Chronomancer and also (ALSO!) discuss the newly revealed Dragonhunter! Ultra joins them to make us all better at WvW (and everyone has fun with the postcard game)!

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 147 – Anet and the Beta Factory
May 03, 2015

Allona is once again joined by Hunter to go over the Specializations news and speculation from Guild Wars 2! Audio Version - What We Did This Week   - Hunter Played a few hours in silverwastes trying to get a beta invite.

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 146 – GW2 is Going Metric!
April 25, 2015

Good news everyone! Celeste and Allona moved the live show by one day to be able to talk AAAAAALLLL about specializations (or at least about what everyone thinks they mean prior to Friday's official Ready Up)! Audio Version -

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 145 - Super Handsome Special Mystery Guest
April 17, 2015

Allona is all alone … or is she!? Wait! Is that a super handsome special mystery guest? Is it … is it Hunter!? It is! Hunter joins Allona to talk about game updates, the Stronghold beta (which Hunter loves) and the Maguuma Hylek! Audio Version -

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 144 - Hype Train Whistle!
April 10, 2015

Celeste and Allona are once again joined by Ultra to continue their learninating of WvW in the Surviving the Mists segment! There's also been several interesting news posts and an interview with Colin Johanson to discuss! Audio Version -

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 143 - Legendary Corduroys!
April 03, 2015

So much legendary news! Celeste and Allona thoroughly enjoy talking all about the news of GW2 on a lovely April 1! WE WERE AIRPLANES! In the words of Kalabajooie on Twitter: "Mnreeeeeow preeeoowwww pbbpbpbpbpbpttt mrrrrrooowwww!" Audio Version -

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 142 - Goodbye Rambogo, Hello Super Star Destroyer!
March 27, 2015

New Segment! When was the last time THAT happened!? Celeste and Allona welcome Ultra and his new segment Surviving the Mists; where, this week, we learn all about the basics of WvW! GW2 news may also have been discussed to some extent. Audio Version -

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 141 - It’s a Whole New World…
March 20, 2015

Celeste and Allona have a LOT to discuss about the WvW news from Rezzed in the UK, dribs and drabs from Pax East, and the (sort of) surprise patch with camera changes n' more! Audio Version What We Did This Week   Allona Finally had the icky “PvP