Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 107 - A Drop in the Bucket

May 16, 2014

Celeste and Allona are joined by special guest, Professor Enzo, our personal WvW ringer. We discuss GW2 news and answer all of our listener emails! All of them!

Audio Version

What We Did This Week



  • EoTM – made some decent inroads for achievements, including the dive into the bucket and ringing one of those damn bells!
  • Fungeons! Story Mode Sorrow’s Embrace and — on another night — Path 3, and Crucible of Eternity Paths 1 and 2 one after the other.
  • AltAltAlt
  • Got my 10k chest.

Professor Enzo

  • The atypical week of accomplishment:

    • Got my warrior up to 80 and started gearing up
    • Finished the personal story on my necro
    • Hit 10k achievements
    • Started my Guardian.


  • EotM
  • Fields of Ruin


Livestreaming Wednesday’s at 9:30pm EST/6:30pm PST at

You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes! Remember to rate and/or review Guild Wars Reporter.


Report from Vigil Keep


Launch of China officially starts on May 15


A Dramatic reading by Professor Enzo

Greetings, lovely voices of the internet ether,

No no, please… I can just tell you are now standing with excitement, clutching this message to your bosom, and dancing for joy. Sit. The rest of you, observing from the Chat Room, please… hold your ovation. It is indeed, I… Caledon Oakenshield, the Hero of Shaemoor, writing in. A long time listener, first time responder. Know that, with this, my very heroic names endorsement of your show, you can expect your channel to share in no small measure of success itself as literally dozens will flock to it and your numbers will swell! Ha ha!!! I know you want to thank me, but hush… you are forever thanking me. Just take a short moments rest before continuing. I have a question of the utmost importance, anyway.

My question to you, Seers of Tyria, is: Now that most of the populace of Lion’s Arch is huddled at Vigil Keep (to catch a glimpse of me, no doubt), do you foresee the Zephyrites from the flying Bazaar of the Four Winds returning to do business there (and to acquire my autograph and photo to vendor, I’m sure), as it is a stronghold of the Pact, rather than a racially and politically aligned City center, such as Divinity’s Reach, or the Black Citadel.

Also, do you foresee me leading the Pact into battle against this new Elder Dragon threat? Ha ha ha! Naturally, we all do! That really wasn’t even a question!


Yours and mine,


“Hero of Shaemoorâ€


Festival of the Four Winds

  • May 20
  • Zephyrites have returned to the Labyrinthine Cliffs and Queen Jennah reopens the Crown Pavilion/Gauntlet

    • Allona: Woooooo! I’m really excited to have both these going at the same time.

  • “In the “Festival of the Four Winds†release, players will experience an in-game festival celebrating the China launch and will get the opportunity to help rebuild the beloved city of Lion’s Arch that was destroyed by Scarlet Brier in Season 1.“


Some things to do in the mean time…

  • Professor Enzo’s Highlights

    • AltMania
    • Make sure you’ve finished WvW Tourney achievements

  • Allona’s Highlights

    • Ooh, Complete every path of every dungeon
    • Farm up BLK for weapon skins
    • Craft a Legendary
    • OOOOH! Complete a dungeon with a group comprised of only one class! YES!

  • Celeste’s Highlights

    • Get each class up to level 80.
    • Craft a Legendary weapon.
    • Screenshot yourself destroying each of the world bosses. (This could work out into being a cool video if you timed it right)


Another great tip The Guild Wars Addict

Part of filling in your time before the next patch, you may want to spend it by completing your monthly and daily achievements as often as possible. The Guild Wars Addict wrote in again this week with a few fabulous tips:

Great show last week. I am glad to see that the siege upgrades went over well.

And now I have some more to share.

The 500 salvages for this month’s monthly achievement can seem a bit daunting. If you play a lot and salvage all your blues and greens for Luck, then you will probably be ok.  But for people that do not have time, they will probably buy items on the trading post to salvage.  Depending on what you buy you can save some coin, and in some cases, make a little bit of coin for salvaging.

For the first tip; getting salvage kits for karma.  Everyone should know that you can get crude salvage kits all over the starting areas for 28 karma.  However, you can get Basic salvage kits for 77 karma.  But they can only be found at the Triforge Point Waypoint on the lower middle left side of Brisban Wildlands.  Look for the renown heart karma vendor, Valian Mathair.  Also, you can get Fine salvage kits for 252 karma in Black Citadel and Hoelbrak cultural weapon smiths.

  • Crude Salvage kit – karma cost per use – 1.87k  0% chance for rarer materials  5% Recover upgrades
  • Basic Salvage kit – karma cost per use – 3.08k  10% chance for rarer materials  20% Recover upgrades
  • Fine Salvage kit – karma cost per use – 10.08k  15% chance for rarer materials  40% Recover upgrades

Shredded rags and Shredded garments salvage into 1-3 Jute Scraps.  Buy the shredded rags/garments cheap and sell the jute scraps high.  If you are patient, you can get the rags and garments really cheap with buy orders and then wait for the price of jute scraps to go up to sell.  It is very possible to make a profit.

A friend suggested I also mention that you could buy low level blue/green cloth armors and salvage those for jute and luck.  This is true, but can be risky and end up costing money due to the limited return on investment.  But the same rule applies, buy low and sell high.

And for the WARNING: Prices fluctuate all the time.  What is good today can be bad tomorrow.  So do your math! or  are great resources.

Side note: there are 100′s of items you can salvage on the TP.  Some make money and others are just a waste of time.  But I will leave that up to you to experiment with.  All of these have risk.  But the goal of this email is to get 500 salvages cheap as possible, maybe make a bit of coin in the process.â€

  • Allona: Thanks for taking the time to write in again, AND for providing some sweet, sweet math!


Ask An Asura


WvW Tip! We need all we can get.

Hello Celeste and Allona,

I’m terrible at WvW personally, but since Edge of the Mists has mostly become a champion and karma train. Most of those activities count towards the achievements for the WvW season meta. While mindless and less profitable than dungeon running, it was an easy way for a WvW noob like me to get the meta.

I doubt I’m the first to share this with you, but I wanted to send it just in case.

Keep up the fantastic podcasting.

From one of the miscellaneous fans on Tarnish Coast.

  • Allona: Thanks for the tip and the compliment! It’s funny because I just fell in to this in the last couple days. The zerg gets to me after about a half hour, but if I want to mindlessly run with the herd and kills things (and hey, who doesn’t enjoy that from time to time) it is fun, relaxing, and fairly profitable. Also … For the toast!
  • Celeste: Who doesn’t like karma and champs? I think it’s relaxing and less rage inducing than other forms of pvp!
  • Enzo: Different people see EotM differently. Training/getting feet wet/full time WvW.


Dailies Dilemma


I enjoy the podcast. I wish there were more good podcasts out there still updating weekly for GW2 so I can waste more good work time geeking out. Can you recommend any?

Also, I play casually – usually only an hour a day or so. I’ve heard you give good advice occasionally on how to quickly get through certain types of daily tasks. Can you go through all of them and explain how you effectively accomplish them as quickly as possible? More than once I’ve logged on with less than 15min and 1 or 2 daily tasks left to do and I’ve frantically looked for a place with high density of events, high drop rate of items for salvage, lots of dead npcs for revive, etc. Please go through all the popular daily events and tell me your “go to” zones for each!

Thanky thanky,


  • Allona: I’m going to assume — since you mention being at work — that you’re more interested in audio podcasts. I’m in the same boat actually. Currently, I sub to Relics of Orr, Chronicles of Tyria, VisualWood, and (mumbles)guildwarsreporter(mumbles). I’m happy that a few ‘casters have returned to iTunes. I find I have more time to listen to a show than I do to watch one.
  • Allona: As for dailies: for karma, ambients, revive, and events I like around Fort Trinity in Straits of Devastation. If I want to stick a of bit lower level, Queensdale, Plains of Ashford, or Wayfarer Foothills for the same things minus maybe the karma. I always manage to get terrible drops for salvage whenever I desperately need it. All that said, I will often come across somewhere awesome and think “I’ve got to remember this spot†and then I can never remember it. My home instance is well kitted out and gets me to 90% for gatherer. :) That’s my overall thoughts, but I found this article ( at GW2Hub which is super comprehensive, but a bit out of date since it’s from before the April Feature Patch. And Dulfy also has a guide from about a year ago ( Both guides are still quite useful though.
  • Celeste: For dailies I usually hit a few places. If I’m low on time: Gathering (home instance and the ettin cave near Phinney), Group Events (Queensdale or world bosses with the pre-events), Ambients (Godslost swamp in Queensdale), Reviver (The Hunter’s Lodge in Queensdale or the Raven Shrine and wandering to the North in Wayfarer). For salvaging I will usually run through my other characters that I haven’t played recently and see if their bags are still full if I find myself short on items.
  • Enzo: Frostgorge was one of my favorites: By the dungeon are two events that cycle quickly, lots of kodan that needed reviving, aquatic kills (is that still a thing?), t5 and t6 mats for harvesting, and if you time the Claw then it’s even faster. If Champ is one of the dailies, there’s a train to jump on which also provides lots of loot for salvaging.


Tales of Tyria


Hello Cellona,

I’m not sure if it’s in the game or not but I would like to see more npc’s using the asura gates to travel around the world. I’ve spent many a lazy afternoon following NPC’s around, sometimes like a creeper, just to listen to their various conversations, but I don’t recall following any of them through a gate. Are there some that do travel through the gates and I haven’t seen them yet? I just think it would be spiffy to see a pack dolyak taking supplies from DR to Ebonhawk Citadel and following it through the gate to see it on the other side.

Thanks and keep up the great work!!


P.S. Seeing a trader that actually travels from zone to zone would be spiffy too.

  • Allona: Thanks for the email! Other than the gift dolyaks during wintersday and the evacuees from LA, I can’t think of any NPCs using the gates. But I agree, Tybolt! How cool would it be to occasionally run into travelling NPCs and their dialogue referenced where they had just come from, maybe with hints as to where they were going next. And, that logically takes me to (hint) Nicholas the Traveller (hint) from GW1 (hint).
  • Celeste: It would be sooooooo awesome if there was another Nicholas that sprouted up. Wouldn’t that be a cool use for the Minstrel (Marcello)? We’ve not really seen him lately. (Allona: I like! I like!)
  • Enzo: something else


Request for community events of the week/bi-week. Send us an email!

If you’ve got a burning question for our Ask an Asura segment, please let us know!


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Allona: @onebigpear


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