Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 106 - Predictions Predilection

May 09, 2014

Celeste and Allona recap a bunch of the community’s Living World season 2 predictions, intersperse their own; and touch on the recent China release.

Audio Version

What We Did This Week



  • Lots of alting still. Been super fun.
  • AC Path 3 with Romo, Saint Evil, and some PUG peeps. It was the one path I still needed to do, and it went crazy smooth! Afterwards I got an AC ax for my Necro … my first purchase with dungeon tokens!
  • Got an epic daily yesterday! I needed four more revives and managed to find the exact amount of defeated NPCs post the SB fight… got the last one revived with literally 5 seconds to spare! (after this I learned that healing power does not — like I thought — impact reviving times)
  • Celeste started something and I bought a precursor to begin my journey! Someone had posted The Bard for 20g less than the next price… decided to nab it! Now I am poor.
  • Shout out to Saint Evil from MoCK getting his 10K AP chest!


  • Did some solo bittermalt to level up and mess around


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Report from Vigil Keep


China is starting off with S2 of LS

  • This has lead to a lot of confusion on the CN game as to why NPCs are congratulating them for defeating Scarlet and why they have to hang out in Vigil Keep.


GW2’s Reception in China

  • onmnirai’s comment sums up most of the others well:

    • Lot of complaints about server/connection issues.
    • Largely impressed with game design, especially the attention to detail (random NPC interactions are often cited) and the pacing (no need to grind just to keep up is a big plus) which is very attractive for working adults/casual players
    • Friendly atmosphere (no open world PvP, shared nodes etc) also a refreshing change of pace
    • Payment model (even with their VIP system, which is very affordable especially since you can buy gems with gold) is generally well-received
    • It’s generally positive, but then again the forums are supposedly screened so it’s possible that the harsher criticisms are being censored (it is china…). General criticisms are basically from people who are too used to/prefer the traditional grindy asian-MMO type games, complaining about the level downscale/no open world pvp preventing them from showing off epic gear and pwning nubs in low level zones etc.

      • Allona: These all sound so familiar! ;)


Wooden Potatoes’ Predictions

  • 1-4 new maps in Maguuma / Potential Bloodstone visit
  • Starts in Brisbane Wildlands
  • Finale will be 2nd pale tree reveal / sylvari birth tree
  • Caithe and Faolin knew of Mordremoth
  • More Trahearne & Pact
  • SAB returns
  • No LA reconstruction

    • Allona: I can see its rebuilding being part of S2.

  • No Zephyrites until we’re going to focus on Kralkatorrik

    • Allona: I feel like we will come across them in our journeys west. They might have a connection to the black market traders Belinda has gone out to find.

  • Begins with Dragon Bash (possibly hosted by Norn)
  • No Tengu

    • Allona: ~muttermutterbetterbetengumuttermutter~

  • Fractals patch
  • Malyck returns, Soundless will have a role


Distilled Will’s Season 2 Predictions

  • Lion’s Arch reconstruction – “But, as WP rightly points out – the Captain’s Council, those responsible for running LA, are in ruins themselves. They are without a base of operations and they’re battered and bruised. They will probably require assistance to get the city back up and running.†This leads to the return of the Consortium.
  • Players will be responsible for gathering resources for the consortium to rebuild the city. This will lead to us finding out the dirty little secrets behind the Consortium and perhaps destroy the organization.
  • “We know that the Tengu retreated behind their walls in response to the rise of Zhaitan*, but how long can they stay cooped up (lol, puns) in their fortress now they know that the Elder Dragon has been defeated.“
  • Tengu were able to ignore Chai-tan but now that the jungle dragon is awake much closer to home that it could bleed over into their city.
  • “I hope that Mordremoth begins to threaten the Tengu lands beyond the wall and, seeking help from the rest of Tyria, the Tengu reluctantly open their gates to allow heroes to pass through and assist in the defense efforts. In return for assistance, the Tengu promise to help rebuild Lions Arch with new materials from the Dominion of Winds.â€
  • “I believe, like WP, that Mordremoth will have some connection to the Pale Tree and Caithe’s secret. But, I think this new dragon will directly threaten The Grove and the Dominion of Winds rather than impacting first in Maguuma to the north-west – (perhaps through a new (TBD!!) dragon Champion in this area?)â€
  • “I think the first parts of Belinda’s story will take place in [Divinity Reach] and Brisban itself, rooting out bandit-holes and secret underground markets. Once the rebuilding of LA has begun in earnest and we start encountering Mordremoth dragon-spawn in the currently existing Maguuma Jungle (and the Dominion of Winds), I think we’ll then eventually move through the new portal in the North to combat the HQ of the traders directly.â€
  • As far as the Black Market Traders that Belinda is searching for in the first place, “It may even simply be a filler in order to give us something to swing our swords at while they work on the Mordremoth story.â€


Anatoli’s Predictions

  • Zephyrites and the Bazaar will return

    • Allona: I still think we will come across them in the West, but I can certainly see the possibilities mentioned here.

  • “The image of the encroaching red briar creeping up the Tree in the short story What Scarlet Saw and her resigned sadness over Scarlet’s fate may also be an indication that she knows she can’t keep them safe from it forever.â€
  • “it’s safe to say, though, that Mordremoth and the Sylvari are connected and that we’re only going to find out more about what form that connection takes in season two — especially since chances are very good that we’ll be heading out into Brisban Wildlands and beyond very soon.â€
  • Along with Belinda (Marjory’s sister) going out there we also have politics to put them to work “Marjory and Kasmeer are already deeply connected to human politics, and Brisban Wildlands is full of bandits, who are tools of the corrupt Ministry and opposed to the Seraph.â€
  • Malyck & The other pale tree “What lies beyond Brisban Wildlands is almost certainly Malyck’s equivalent of the Pale Tree as well as the home territory of Mordremoth itself.â€
  • “I’ll make one bizarre prediction: Faren will be revealed as Mister E. Why? To be honest, I really just want to see him turn out to be a reference to The Scarlet Pimpernel. I’m a sucker for that trope.â€

    • Celeste: HA! So the reason Faren couldn’t save himself is that it would out his secret?
    • Allona: This a fantastic, fantastic read!


Mini Polar Bear Cubs & Fuzzy Hats

  • Allona: I love the fuzzy hats … I’ve never bought one … but I love them.


Ask An Asura


Listener Letter!

I wanted to thank you for all the wonderful moments since episode 1. It has done nothing but get better with age. THANK YOU! I consider this podcast, as a wonderful addition to Guild Wars.

Now, I wanted to give a little something back. You have mentioned great stuff in the podcast for making gold such as dungeons, farming and world events. But for me, I try not to do any one thing for very long. I tend to bounce around to avoid getting burned out. That brings me to my tip. It’s for the Mystic Forge. With WvW season still going strong, they need siege. So if you happen to have a surplus of Skill Points, there is only one thing to do; Upgrade Siege.

The Mystic Forge Recipe

2 Arrow Cart Blueprints (Buy off Trading Post or in WvW with Badges)

1 Siege Masters Guide (Costs 1 Skill Point from Miyani at the Forge)

5 Mithril Ore (Farm or Trading Post)

5 Elder Wood Logs (Farm or Trading Post)

Farming is best, but you could buy everything off the trading post and still make a nice profit.

Example: prices are from Purchase Orders

2 AC  x 1s06c = 2s12c

5 MO x 28c = 1s40c

5 HW x 33c = 1s65c

Total = 5s17c

Superior Arrow Carts peaked at 17s72c this past week. I chose Arrow Carts as they have the best profit per investment right now. This can vary.

You are very welcome to keep this to yourself or share with friends or everyone.

Have a great day!

The Guild Wars Addict

  • Celeste: I made 2 gold today doing this so it’s still viable.
  • Allona: I have a bunch of blueprints in my bank that are just calling to be used for this!


Mesmer Roamer Tips & Tricks

  • Allona: Wow. This is pretty cool and there are lots of useful tips! Also, I love that they’re using my beloved scepter.  :)

If you’re looking for something a little different as far as Mesmer strategies there’s also this master thread with a brief breakdown of each of the builds


Tales of Tyria


EoTN NPCs in GW2, OMG!

  • Allona: I’m so glad the community takes the time to make pages like this! Although it points out that the characters look very different from GW1 to GW2, which kind of bugs me… I mean, Gwen looked NOTHING like a slab of granite. (Personality-wise that might be a different story.)


GW2 Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • Allona: This thread is so useful and practical that it’s scary.


Request for community events of the week/bi-week. Send us an email!

If you’ve got a burning question for our Ask an Asura segment, please let us know!


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Allona: @onebigpear


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