Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 96 - Flame On!

February 23, 2014

Celeste and Allona raid the Underworld, beat the marionette, and try to save Lion’s Arch.

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What We Did This Week



  • GW1 Underworld with Celeste!

  • Marionette many more times

  • Took a new guildie to Ebonhawk and cried at Prof Yakkington’s grave … again.

  • Pre-patch stuff – pirate weapons, moa racing, map completion on alts that were close.

  • LA (Under Attack!). It is very flamey.

  • Finally bought an armour skin. The Flamekissed. I am very flamey.

  • Over-achieved for a clean sweep on the monthlies.



  • GW1 Underworld

  • Marionette FINALLY

  • Lots of LA

  • bought the endless mystery quaggan tonic


Report from Lion’s Arch


Escape From Lion’s Arch

  • Upon logging in, players level 30 or higher will see a cinematic of the attack on Lion’s Arch. Lower level players will watch this upon entering Lion’s Arch for the first time. Players can rewatch the cinematic by talking to the refugee camp director at any of the three refugee camps located by the Vigil Keep in Gendarran Fields, by the Durmand Priory in Lornar’s Pass, and on Stormbluff Isle in Bloodtide Coast.

    • Note: All characters that were stationed in Lion’s Arch before the attack will be relocated to an adjoining map. (Now.)

      • Allona – Heh … I was ported right into the LA chaos.

  • Map completion remains possible, including waypoints, points of interest, vistas, jumping puzzles, and diving goggles. Just watch out for Scarlet’s troops!

  • For players who need to follow their Personal Story steps, Captain Smash and Bouncer Kinna over by Icegate Gorge in Gendarran Fields will sneak adventurers into Lion’s Arch.

  • Evacuate!

    • Encourage citizens

    • Establish footholds for the 3 biconic groups (Gendarran, Lornar’s, and Bloodtide)

    • Stopping Miasma deployment

    • Escort events

  • New hub at Vigil Keep (along with Havoc’s Airship)

  • Alliance bags: Refugee belongings, spinal shards, child drawings (25 luck), bloodstone dust, potions of slaying, quaggan tonics (temp and perm), airship passes, and Mini Captain Magnus.

    • Celeste: I wonder if Magnus yells out “AUGH My EYES!†periodically :3

    • Allona: Someone on reddit says he got a precursor from one of the bags! The Belonging … lucky guy.

  • Get group effort bags by rescuing citizens at 100, 300, 600, 1000, and 1500 mark

    • Allona: Oh to reach 600!

    • Celeste: Yeah the highest I’ve gotten is ~500

  • Stick around for the whole cycle and get a chance at dragonite, champ bags, blade shards, and green items.

  • For players who attain the highest tier, there’s a chance for ascended materials and rewards from previous Living World releases.

    • Celeste: SAY WHAT?!

    • Allona: That is pretty cool, I gotta say.

  • Let’s talk a bit about how it plays – events being concurrent, buffs in the zone, 45 minutes per cycle (roughly), only 3 waypoints, it’s like jubilee but more metered in that they control

  • Spinal Blade Backpiece

    • Allona: I like that the plans for it are multiple pieces that you have to collect, a la the map pieces to make Koris Deeprunner’s treasure map in GW1: EotN.

    • Celeste: More back pieces…. really?!

  • Selfless or Thoughtless potions (250 heirlooms and 10G)

  • Additions to the Black Lion Chest:

    • There is now a rare chance to get a Mini Marjory Delaqua or Mini Mai Trin from the chest.

    • For a limited time, every chest also contains a guaranteed stack of 5 Bags of Alliance Supplies.


The Scarlet Connection

  • “Scarlet’s story line was always very clear that the end plan was always to be Lion’s Arch. I think we’ve shown that she had to learn where she needed to go, but it was the intention to always bring Scarlet here in the end.â€

  • “If it was always the intention to do this, was the Election as impactful as we were originally told? Would either candidate have made a difference in the way this story was presented? They reiterated to me that it was always the plan to bring Scarlet to Lion’s Arch.“

    • Allona: I can see what they’re getting at. The attack was going to happen regardless, but the lead up to it and the organization of the response is what differed. I would be curious to know what the differences would have been.

  • “…is there a particular direction that ArenaNet has in regards to where the newest player hub will be? The response is that they are curious how players will resolve the issue of a new player hub. It didn’t sound to me that they have a particular plan in motion for a new one, but more of a response to the player’s choice. They want to see if we will choose a racial city or somewhere else altogether. My thought is that they will respond to the players’ choice and start building around this new hub.â€

  • “Here the guys opted to remain aloof. They simply stated that there will be some interesting things happening with the Tengu, but not to expect them to make a big reveal.“

    • Allona: ~side eye~ Seems a bit diversionary to me.


Case of the Bloobs?

  • Lifetime Airship Pass – very similar to the Queen’s Terrace pass

    • Both permanent (1000 gems) and 2-week (150 gems) versions available.

      • Allona: Good call on the 150 gem price for the 2-week version! That’s a much better price point for a temporary item. Some drama in the forums about the crafting stations and laurel vendor only available on the airship and not in Vigil Keep. But the gates to major cities are right there, so … (a load screen is a load screen is a load screen)

  • Zodiac Armors!

    • Allona: LOVE! (apparently I love all for-purchase skins)

  • Ascalonian Leader Finisher – It shouts “For Ascalon!â€

    • Celeste: /cry

    • Allona: Dammit ArenaNet! ~flips table~

  • Free items – Mini Set 2, XP Booster, Revive Orb, and Crafting Booster

    • Allona: <3 u anet, I forgive you for the finisher.

Ask An Asuran



“Hello, I’m calling about Guild Wars Reporter. I am a big fan of podcast and I listen every week. But unfortunately I am at work when the podcast streams live and I was wondering why it isn’t released on iTunes until Tuesday of the following week. Unfortunately, I feel that a lot of the information is out date by the time I’m actually able to listen to the podcast. And I was just wondering if you guys had a reason why? Thanks and keep up the good work, bye.â€


Speaking of…. we’ll be moving to Wednesday nights starting at 9:30EST/6:30PST


Tales of Tyria


Hidden cave in Gendarran!

  • From a dev: “You found it :) been there since launch.â€

  • Other posters mention finding it previously, but still pretty cool.

  • Allona: A discussion of still-hidden areas? Wow!


Giant footsteps in LA?

  • Well i have been running around in Lion’s arch after update and I think I found steps from something big.

  • I went looking around bit more. Surprisingly I found more “footstepsâ€. This is the first footstep that I could find.

  • You can see that the first gate is totally destroyed. So this might hint that maybe something went through because the 2nd gate that follows is totally intact and the footsteps also end there. So did this whatever it is teleported away?

  • Maybe it’s the same thing as with the Nightmare tower. Scarlet made the poisonous tower so we made an antidote thus she made an even stronger poison, that the antidote doesn’t work on (miasma). So this time she could have been testing the new weapon (marionette). She learned it’s flaws from our battle with it and made something stronger. (She didn’t even bother to take the marionette, she just dumped it in Lornar’s Pass).

  • Watch the opening cinematic from 40 sec to 45 seconds. There are GREEN blast shooting down. The watchwork are green, the marionette was GREEN and its mega laser was also GREEN. This laser blasts are definitely not from aetherblades, their lasers are RED. On the cinematic it ISN’T shown WHO is making this damage, also note that the camera SHAKES and turns OFF.

    • Allona: A lot of these are edits to the original post.

      • So far, the only Scarlet ‘thing’ not represented seems to be cloaking, like the tower. What IF there was a cloaked marionette-like weapon?


ArenaNet’s John Ryan’s community-goading tweets = awesome!

Good morning. This is the Lion’s Arch weather report. It is currently sunny at 71 degrees with wind out of the east at two knots.

— John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

To all crafts entering and exiting Lion’s Arch, we have reports of strange cloud formations on the horizon. Please be advised. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

To all crafts entering and exiting Lion’s Arch, we have reports of strange cloud formations on the horizon. Please be advised. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

The Lion’s Arch Visitor Center welcomes our guests from the Queen’s Heart Orphanage today. We hope you enjoy your visit to our fair city. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

Undeclared craft on eastern bearing, this is the Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. Please identify yourself and state your intent, over. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

As a reminder, do not dump your refuse into Sanctum Harbor. Do your part to keep Lion’s Arch clean. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

This is Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. Lion’s Arch lighthouse is tracking a strange cloud formation moving against the wind toward Lion’s Arch. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

Unidentified vessel, this is Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. Slow your approach and state your intent!

— John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

Attention, attention. This is the Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. We have an unidentified vessel bearing down on Sanctum Harbor.

— John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

This is the Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. All available Lionguard are ordered to the dock and shoreline immediately. Hostile vessel inbound. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

This is the afternoon weather report for Lion’s Arch. The weather is currently partly cloudy, 68 degrees, with a rising wind from the east. — John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

This is the Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. Warning! Warning! Warning! Air raid over Sanctum Harbor. Seek shelter now! This is not a drill.

— John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

This is the Lion’s Arch Harbormaster! Enemy forces have breached Lion’s Arch. Get off the streets now!

— John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

This is the Lion’s Arch Harbormaster. Priority message to all who hear this. Lion’s Arch needs all volunteers now. Save our city!

— John Ryan (@John_J_Ryan) February 18, 2014

Request for community events of the week/bi-week. Send us an email!


If you’ve got a burning question for our Ask an Asuran segment, please let us know!


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Celeste: @celeookie

Allona: @onebigpear


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