Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 95 - We’re Bunny Rabbits Together

February 18, 2014

Celeste and Allona start mourning Lion’s Arch early and try to understand what’s happening with PvP and Glory.

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What We Did This Week



  • Dailies (pro tip: daily reviver in EotM is the way to go: SPLAT revive, SPLAT revive, SPLAT revive)

  • Crafting towards 500 … sigh

  • Started the process of getting Mystic Clovers. Total of 5. Woooooooo!

  • Helped a few guildies get the golem parts (even though I wasn’t very helpful)

  • Liking EotM much more than I thought; I am terrible and have no idea what I’m doing.



  • Finally got my golem parts, I got lucky and landed on a map where all the points in between were my color

  • Still trying to beat the marionette, it seems as though I have terrible luck (marionette defender appears to have bugged on me :( )

  • Finally got into her lair and activated the console

  • New video card and .dat woes

  • Mapped the major cities for my engineer (p.s. i hate black citadel), okay nvm still missing rata sum b/c i hit 35 and was able to put on my armor


Report from Lion’s Arch



  • Celeste: I was watching this with my mouth agape and feeling my heart break. I kind of knew it was going to happen but I can’t believe they’re doing it so thoroughly.

  • Allona: I said! Didn’t I say?! Also, I am still recovering from the loss of the lighthouse and the whale in Sanctum Harbor (I tried to keep it alive…I really, really tried!); I’m not sure I would do well with the destruction of the whole city.


Devs, Destroyers of Worlds

(Anatoli Ingram – Colin Johanson, Steve Hwang and Steven Waller)

  • “While some players had already guessed that Lion’s Arch will suffer a full-on attack by Scarlet’s forces prior to the Edge of the Mists release (in fact, the team gave a special shout out to user Mark_Nutt on Reddit for his early speculation), many others dismissed the idea. What would become of all of Lion’s Arch’s important gameplay services? What about the personal story steps that take place in the city? After Lost Shores, would ArenaNet create another massive open world attack on a major city? Would they really dare to raze Lion’s Arch?â€

    • Allona: I had your back, Mark_Nutt! (also, I want to give a shout out to my husband, who brought it up to me after he talked to Evon [before the reddit post I might add]. See GWR, episode 89!)

  • “All essential services that are unique to Lion’s Arch will be redirected to Vigil Keep for the time being, including Asura gates to other cities, Fractals of the Mists, and incarcerated cactus-faced troublemakers. Personal story steps will be accessible through a new entrance. Hwang’s team has taken steps to ensure that the city will remain fully explorable for map completion, although if you’re especially fond of a particular view…well, you might want to grab screenshots while you can. We were also warned that exploration isn’t exactly going to be as safe as it currently is.â€

    • Allona: I am intrigued by this, but still really confused how “Claw Island†for the Personal Story in particular will work, given the progressing timeline. Is this just something you have to turn a blind eye to in a MMO?

    • Celeste: I’m concerned about what level the explorable LA would be concerning P.S. though I suppose if there’s a one stop entrance for the instances it wouldn’t be too bad above 30? There’s also been a push for #SaveLionsArch on multiple social media platforms regarding cataloging and maintaining the “original†LA for posterity’s sake. I really hope that this does engage the playerbase in contributing more to the wiki and allows for it to grow more in the future. As it stands now this is not a great wiki and it could use some serious work since players are flocking towards community made sites instead of the official.

Supplemental: What if LA was gone for good?

  • Brujeria666 In my dreams: LA will be another explorable area / map corrupted by dragon energies and will transform into an explorable zone. All things currently accessible in LA will be spread out to the Racial Major cities. Dungeon vendors will be split between the Cities. TA vendor will be in the groove, CoE will be in Rata Sum and so on. Anet will focus on improving the major cities even further. Racial skinned siege weapons, racial skins for certain skills, pets, turrets minions will be accessible through multiple ways. Each city will get more and more reasons to get back to. Special vendors will sell stuff for karma, ingredients, different skins for weapons armors and backpieces. Every city will feel unique, important and meaningful in its own way.

    • doctor_dizzle This sounds pretty awesome. Maybe this is what Scarlet wants, to break us up into our respective races and stop collaborating as much? I really like the idea of having unique city skins/weapons/bonuses, so they’re not all equal.

      • Celeste: I’m thoroughly intrigued by this. I really like the idea of Scarlet trying to tear us apart after forming up alliances between our enemies.

      • Allona: I’m listening…


Looting something is like a box of chocolates

  • Box of Chocolates

    • A Valentine’s themed costume brawl item, nice addition to the bouquet of roses.

    • According to Dulfy, the chocolates can be used while in combat armour

  • New musical instrument! A harp!

    • Allona: I wish I had even a modicum of musical talent. This is a delightful item!

    • Celeste: I feel badly for people who have Minstrel but can’t make music now :3

  • Set 1 Minis – one week only

    • Allona: I actually think it’s a good plan to have these pop up in the store every once in a while. Gives new players the opportunity to work on their AP and title for a non-nut-punching price.

    • Celeste: It got me to buy a pack.


Dolyak Express: Characters and relationships in Tyria

  • Allona: Well this seems to have opened a whole big can o’ wurms! I think the topic is pretty broad and could do with some clarifying. That said …

  • Cliff.8679 – I’m really curious as to what your vision is for our characters’ relationships. Up to this point, we’ve really had no say in how our characters interact with the NPCs as far as building relationships go. The personal story dictated the way our characters felt about others, and this has continued into the living story with Braham, Rox, Marjory, Kasmeer, etc. Is there anything being done to expand this in the future?

    I think it’s a question worth asking, especially now, considering the story hinting at Canach potentially joining up with Destiny’s Edge 2.0. I’ll be more than a little disappointed if my character happily teams up with a murderer and terrorist with no reservations, you know?

    • Allona: Fine point on Canach.

  • Sudden.8729 – Will character “Personality†ever play any impact on the interactions of our characters with the open world or future content releases. In its current state, it really appears to do nothing to result in anything.

    • Allona: This basic question came up a lot too. I know I keep track of my characters’ personalities and will try to keep them in line with how I see each one. It would be great for it to have more impact in-game.

  • JerekLo.5893 – And since this is about characters… Ya know Mhenlo…he got around. I’m still waiting on my answers!

    • Celeste: He asked on the lore DE if we’re all related to Mhenlo because the guy had serious skills with ladies. I don’t know where he came to that conclusion from, but I find it to be hilarious.

  • Finally, a LOT of players asking for more same-sex male NPCs.

    • Allona: Go for it Anet! I think it would be really interesting. Of course debate on social commentary ensued; a dev had to step in to get people back on target.


WvW Spring Tournament 2014 From Mar 28 to May 16

  • Moved it from a concept similar to a sporting league to one more like a tournament.

    • New, Swiss-style system of matching up the worlds within a league.

  • The meta achievement will receive a set number of tournament tickets based on world placement which can be exchanged at a vendor once the tournament has completed for a variety of items.

    • Two brand-new sets of weapon skins that can’t be found anywhere else in the game, obsidian shards, dragonite ore, ascended accessories, and more.

    • “We felt that the rewards from Season 1 just didn’t match players’ expectations for a variety of reasons, and we wanted to remedy that in as many ways as possible.†(Celeste: translation: We know we pissed you off.)

  • The achievements for the tournament have been toned down to be more achievable for more players. Every single achievement has an associated item reward as well as achievement points.

  • Instead of being associated with the first world you log in on during the tournament they are tracking various activities in WvW to more closely align your rewards with the world you played on. They’ve added an NPC to all the WvW maps who can tell you which world you are currently associated with.

    • Allona: What does this mean? Doesn’t this somewhat negate the point of Worlds?

    • Celeste: I’m SO confused. Is this for EoTM? Since that’s a mixed server map?


Ask for an answer and you shall receive, Allona

  • March 18th

  • We don’t profess to be experts in PvP or be able to really rehash this with a modicum of intelligence so we’ll just leave it to you guys to read the article if you’re interested.

  • Allona: So if you don`t use your boosters, they are trash? They make no mention of the booster consumable.


Ask An Asuran


An email question! An email question!

Dear Guild Wars Reporter

Hi C&A,

Long time listener, first time writer, I’m a big fan of your show! I heard no one has ever written in a question for you, so here’s one:

Why are there so few townclothes options? Sure the ones on the BLTC are a cash cow for Anet but surely tailors could make simple town clothes to wear?

Has Anet addressed this teeny issue?



Celeste: There actually were even more but they’ve been trimmed back in the past few updates. I’m not sure why. I think it’s a wonderful idea if we could craft some unique town clothes. Maybe then I could wear a light armor skin on my ranger. It could possibly make tailoring or leatherworking much more profitable considering there would likely be a bit of a run on them. DragonSeason (Tilion) chimed in on twitter

@CeleOOKIE @GuildWars2 Perhaps they plan to redesign the whole system. ~Tilion

— Dragon Season (@DragonSeasonCom) February 12, 2014


Allona: As far as I know Anet hasn’t really talked about townclothes recently. I vaguely remember talk about making townclothes more relevant for players and a larger part of the game as a whole, but that was quite a long time ago. I’m not sure how well they have been selling considering, like Celeste mentioned, most of them have been culled from the store in favour of more armor skins. At this point, I wonder how important keeping them in the gem store is for the on-going cash flow for the game. If money for the game isn’t an issue, maybe allowing players to craft townclothes themselves could be interesting and fun.

Now for a deviation from the question: I wish armour and weapon skins were handled differently in GW2. I loved (LOVED) the GW1 system where costumes were ‘worn’ over top your armour and you could turn them on or off as you wished and you didn’t have to ‘destroy’ the look of your actual armour. You could pick up the costume on every one of your characters AND infinite times! I bought every. single. costume. Anet put in their store. I have not yet bought a single armour skin in the GW2 gem store (and my bank is full of skins from rewards) because I can’t decide which character I want to have the items (and I have this aversion to buying transmutation stones). I realize the GW1 system can’t just be plopped into GW2 at this point, but how the HoM or Achievement items — like the Hellfire/Radiant and Zenith skins — are handled would be such an awesome improvement in my mind. I would very likely buy every armour and weapon skin in the gem store if they were handled the same way. Even the ‘destructive’ aspect of applying the skins to items wouldn’t be so bad at that point since splitters can be bought through the store if you really want to revert to an item to its original appearance, and might even see an increase in sales of that item.


Quaggan’s Press List of chat commands

  • Celeste: I had no idea there were so FEW emotes for gw2. I mean I knew a lot of the GW1 ones were gone but since there’s no list in-game it’s rather shocking to see there’s barely a handful.

    • Allona: This is something the former WoW players I know comment on. all. the. time.

  • Allona: The wiki ones are cool. I didn’t know about those! Also, I accidentally discovered the ‘rank’ one a couple weeks ago; I loved it.


Tales of Tyria


Chopsticks on harp

  • Allona: Jealous of mad skillz.


Jungle Wurm Valentine

  • Anet sent Massively (and we assume a few other outlets) a Valentine’s Day card, and what appears to be a gigantic gummy Giant Jungle Wurm.

    • Allona: Ew. And yum!


In Memory of Lion’s Arch

  • Celeste: I predict we’ll be seeing a lot of these videos crop up over the next few days but they really are awesome and remind us of how beautiful the game can be, even in LA where we run and end up staring at UI all the time

  • Allona: creys


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If you’ve got a burning question for our Ask an Asuran segment, please let us know!


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Celeste: @celeookie

Allona: @onebigpear


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