Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 094 - You Got Your WvW In My PvE! No! You got your PvE in my WvW!

February 11, 2014

Celeste and Allona rally through Edge of the Mists and gush about the new story instance.

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What We Did This Week


  • Prior to patch: Beat the Marionette! WOOOO!

    ~does the Dana Carvey Church Lady dance of victory~

  • Post patch: Done the meta (it’s quick to do, but man they pack a lot of story in)

  • Levelling alts to be able to wear armour they’ve been hauling around, taking up precious bag space

  • Showed diving goggles to new players/guildies and they were witness to my special skill … sigh



  • I really don’t know how to respond to some of the prompts in a Study of Scarlet… Although it does kinda feel like the devs are trying to get us to theorize on where we think the story could go. I’m sure all the answers are being tallied as well.

  • Canthan New Year in GW1


Report from Lion’s Arch


Game Release & Patch Notes

  • The story integration of the LW into the Edge of the Mists much smaller than people had thought, to the relief of many (ahem … Celeste). (Celeste: And yet I still got killed 4 times and haven’t gotten to the parts for Taimi/Scruffy)

    • A Study in Scarlet – go through all the evidence at the Dead End Bar with Marjory, Kasmeer and Vorpp

    • Taimi’s Troubles – Braham is watching over her as she waits for repair components for her golem

    • Unstable Portals – portals to the EoTM are opened up across Tyria

    • Achievements – Do the above. Pretty simple really, but some of them are easier said than done if you’re bad at PvP.

    • Allona: I have really enjoyed the delivery of the story and the growth of the characters these last two patches. I like that you have a pop-up dialogue that you can follow at your own pace but there’s also voiced conversations that sort of  mimic what you’re reading, with new tidbits.

  • WvW: EotM – rundown of each region and their mechanics.

    • Overgrowth – buff based on points held

    • Frostreach – snowfall impedes invaders

    • Badlands – automated turrets when points are held by the badlands

  • New Lovestruck weapon skins are available at the Black Lion Weapons Specialist.

    • Allona: Love all these skins. Love. Love. Love.

  • The Permanent Quaggan Finisher is for sale in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store.

    • Allona: I was defeated in EotM by someone using this. I wasn’t even mad.

  • Glory Boosters will no longer be sold in the Gem Store starting February 11, 2014.

    • Celeste: I think this pretty much guarantees that it will be switched over in the “feature-only†releases

    • Allona: Has there been absolute confirmation that these will be a “use it or lose it†item? It might be nice to be able to trade the whacks of them I have in for something else.

  • The Flamekissed Light Armor Skin has returned with a new look.

    • Allona: Love the updated skin. Love. Love. Love.

    • Celeste: I really wish I could use the Light set on my ranger. It looks so pretty!

  • Something not in the patch notes but is worth noting: The “biconics†are no longer at the marionette fight. Replaced by Priory members: Aly, Moonrazor(@n8rhymeswith), Jexx(@mr_ex?), Lissah(@Lissahkins?), and Greyback(@KingStGreibach?). (Allona: Good catch!)


Lore Om Nom Nom Nom Nom

  • “The investigation is a recap for people who might have missed some previous story points, who might not have been following since the beginning. This is definitely a great place to jump in if you’re not familiar with the story or if you’ve missed a piece. We want everyone to be on the same page leading into the finale.†– Theo Nguyen

  • Taimi runs into the mists to chase after escapee Mai Trin, Aetherblade Captain. Braham follows after her because he’s a temporary custodian as assigned by Logan Thackeray.

    • He becomes a custodian during the last story instance but if you had not beaten the marionette before the most recent update you wouldn’t know the why or how of Taimi getting to Lion’s Arch or getting involved with Logan in the first place.

    • Logan and Taimi chatting after the Marionette fight. ( )

      • Allona: “Are you paying the waypoint fees?†Dead. I am dead. Taimi killed me.

  • If you’re curious as to why Zoijja’s not chasing after her… “While ArenaNet hasn’t confirmed Felicia Day’s participation as yet, they have confirmed that Zojja and Taimi will see each other again by the end of this year.â€

  • On why Braham followed: “He has a Norn’s sense of honor and a Norn’s sense of ‘I want to do things that expand my legend,’ he’s going to make sure he gets Taimi home. Braham doesn’t think too hard about things, but hanging out with Taimi’s going to force him to think a little harder than he’s used to.†– Scott McGough

  • “The main thrust of all this new content is social and puzzle-based gameplay and as such, is equally accessible to die-hard guildies and habitual solo players. Clearly, the purpose of the narrative aspect of The Edge of the Mists is to catch us up on everything that’s happened before and fill us in on Scarlet’s Machiavellian plans. More importantly however, ArenaNet warns that it’s also our last chance to take a breath before all hell breaks loose in the land of Tyria.“


New WvWers Say it Ain’t So!

  • “Edge of the Mists Hopes to Bring in New WvW-ers†– David North

    • Allona: This seemed pretty obvious to me.

    • Celeste: Yeah it’s a big ol’ heap of “duh.†not sure why it warranted an article

  • It kind of sounds like EoTM is meant to be a bridge between worlds, much like the mists themselves.


EoTM Q&A PDQ with Mike Z

  • Aetherblades are a permanent part of EotM

  • Anet is improving NPC AI. They may build their own siege to help your team if they “think†it’s necessary.

  • “Even the NPC objectives have had scaling added to them, so the hp and damage of NPCs like the Tower Lords will increase as more players show up to fight them. The scaling will work like it does in PvE and not be a 1:1 ratio. This means that 20 players won’t make it 20 times harder and that while the NPCs will be scaled down for small groups of players to kill, they will still be easier to defeat with more people.†This is pretty awesome!

  • WvW participation grew during the past year!

    • Allona: I’m pleasantly surprised to hear this.

    • Celeste: I’m guessing it’s because of S1

  • No rallying off ambients for you! There are no ‘white’ beasties in EotM

  • “What this patch will be adding is a new permanent achievement category for Edge of the Mists. These new achievements can only be completed while on the new map, but this won’t stop players from being able to complete the old WvW achievements (as well as future WvW season achievements) on Edge of the Mists as well.â€


Client Optimizations Freist

  • broke the mac beta of gw2 with these.

    • Allona: Screenshot of 2 fps – ouch.


Ask An Asuran


Rytlock, Logan and Others characters shifting through Tyria because of the Living World

  • The dialogue indicates the probes are not trying to locate a dragon (ie: Primordus) as many people have hypothesized; BUT dragons are huge and magical, whether the probes are — or are not — looking for their physical form is immaterial (badum-shish).

  • Some commenters wonder if the probes are looking for bloodstones.

  • Still others think they are merely searching for ley lines (which: SPOILER – Taimi and Marjory pretty much confirm it in their story bits, I really wanted to use the pun in the first point though)

  • It was brought up that dragons and ley lines are very likely connected.

Tales of Tyria


Delaqua investigations – CharGwyl

  • Allona: That is really, really well done!

  • Celeste: I’m in love with this even more after going through the living story instance,

Request for community events of the week/bi-week. Send us an email!


Great Tyrian Adventure Legendary Edition

  • Ongoing events every week through the end of March on Sanctum of Rall

  • Hosted by Gasicioch (pronounced Gosh-Kia), must have raidcall and a guild-slot, apply at


If you’ve got a burning question for our Ask an Asuran segment, please let us know!


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Celeste: @celeookie

Allona: @onebigpear

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