Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 093 - Not Journalismy

February 04, 2014

Celeste and Allona discuss Scarlet and the Edge of the Mists along with new playable races and get hit right in the feels.

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What We Did This Week



  • Marionette – no win yet

  • Wurm – no win yet

  • Rinse

  • Repeat

  • Got enough power cores to get into the lab. Loved it! So glad I avoided most spoilers. Also: MAD LOOT.  :)




Report from Lion’s Arch


Edge of the Mists Release

  • Why the eff does this need Scarlet?!

    • Allona: The short story and stuff mentions that she looks into the mists, and that she has an interest in them; so it kinda makes sense.

  • “Johanson described this release as the lightest of the four living world season finale chapters. The primary gameplay content for this chapter will take place in the Edge of the Mists map itself, as the Aetherblades try to claim it for their mistress.â€

  • Allona: Sooo … we need to talk about how the music in it is totally from Factions.

  • Celeste: RIGHT?!

  • Edge of the Mists map overview –, region specific review:


Origins of Madness Gem Store Items

  • Watchwork Mining Pick! – A recent breakthrough in mining technology has let us make a new infinite mining pick. This self-repairing pick has a chance to add a Watchwork Sprocket to the rewards when used to mine ore veins!

  • Mask of the Silent! – Complete your look with the fierce Mask of the Silent face paint design!

  • Price Reduction: WXP Boosters – As a reminder: To show our support for all the heroes battling in the Mists, we’ve permanently reduced the price of WXP Boosters just 135 gems per booster. Grab five for the bundle price of just 495 gems!


Voice Acting and Arenanet

  • with Eve Walter (editor), Bobby Stein (lead writer), David Wilson (managing editor)

  • 12:50 – Hero-tron?!


GW2: Get rid of the living world (Aside: I’m surprised Lewis B wrote this article, it’s pretty amazing) ( not sure why but the original page is gone for the moment…

  • “It’s unquestionable that the Living World model has demonstrated ArenaNet’s ability to deliver content at break-neck speeds to which no other developer has rivalled and yet I also think it’s unquestionable that the majority of the Living World content has been poorly received or is a replica of what came before it.â€

  • On Zephyr “…I’m confident if ArenaNet were to ask any player as to their favourite Living World content, it would undoubtedly be this one.â€

    • Allona: I think this is largely true. My favourite, though, was the Karka event where we escorted the lion guard and helped MAKE the new camps.

    • Celeste: Zephyr was BY FAR my favorite.

  • “My greatest concern with Living World is the fact that it provides false progression. It’s a temporary plaster to the insatiable behaviour of the playerbase in an effort to keep them satiated, without ever truly adding longevity.â€

    • Allona: I think it has been somewhat successful in this regards though. Must. Have. Cheevos.

    • Celeste: I agree with Lewis and the reason a lot (okay, maybe “someâ€) of people have stopped playing the game is that they feel like they’ve missed too much or aren’t able to go back and get those achievements. In a way the temporary nature of the living world has made those achievements matter more and, yet, be worthless.

  • Allona: Hyperbolic headline aside, he makes really good points in this article. The tl;dr Pros and Cons are spot on.

  • Allona side note: Good and thoughtful comments (a rarity)

Some People are having a glorious time with the new events… (Phil Savage)

  • Celeste: While I can see that people are going to have different experiences based on a large number of circumstances, I find it interesting that this was mostly a sunshine and rainbows post.

  • “The reason for this almost sickly sweet good will is partly that you’re rewarded even if you fail, but also because of the sense of community built over the preceding half hour.â€

    • Celeste: Yes, even if you get one chain severed you get a few silver for your trouble. People do jump in and pick up roles, which sometimes goes unappreciated, but I’m not sure how we’re fostering community as much as praying we aren’t the ones to mess up.

  • “When you exit after a chain attempt, you’re given a status penalty that stops you entering another portal for a set amount of time. It’s designed to prevent zergs of players bouncing between each lane in turn, padding out the number of people fighting each Warden.â€

    • Allona: I had no idea about this.

  • Allona: I thought this was interesting “The Twisted Marionette will be live in Guild Wars 2 until February 18th.â€


And Some People aren’t.

  • Ohoni.6057: Nothing about the new content teaches players how to play better, it just requires that they DO play better,

    • That’s a fair point. Thanks. I’ll think about how to incorporate better direction in future content. — Josh Foreman

  • DiogoSilva.7089: I believe that the problem with this event, and why it’s so difficult to finish it, is not the difficulty itself, but the very restricting victory conditions versus the nature of an open-world event.

    No matter how many casual players become more skillful out of this, there will always exist a few randoms, who stumble upon or try the event for the first time, and compromise the entire server’s victory. This is because the event’s success is heavily tied to the weakest links – and all the other, better players can’t do much to prevent the situation.

    • I agree. This is the weakest part of the design. If I could go back in time I’d make sure our brilliant designers and content people had the time to make it so after you break a regulator you can /cheer to res the nearest downed player. — Josh Foreman

      • Allona: LOVE this idea!

Ask An Asuran


On Races

  • Allona: It’s like he read my mind. Really.

  • “…and it seems more and more to me that they’d like to release expansion type content piecemeal to keep players on the hook.†Sigh.

  • “I sincerely doubt Arenanet would roll out more than one race. I think people underestimate the complications of rolling out new race models with a host of other factors such as, dozens of armour skins, emotes, skill animations, customizations, etc.†Sigh.

  • Kodan – Not enough customization … the end

  • Dwarves – “I feel like in the minds of Arenanet the races of the ancient past, Mursaat, Seers, Forgotten, Dwarves, and Jotun, are not viable and in some cases dead and gone.â€

  • Largos – Too underwatery, but possible

  • Tengu – “I used to say “if tengu, then Canthaâ€, but I guess I’ll have to explain why I don’t think that’s true any more in my next post about zones, how many, where, and what is in them.â€

Tales of Tyria

  • Allona: Thought this was nice. I’ve been thinking of re-reading the first book now that I’ve had the chance run around in-game!

“The last day dawns on the Kingdom of Ascalon.â€

  • Allona: Right in the feels. (Their user name is TriggerSad … no kidding!)

In Case you were curious Kekai Kotaki did the vast majority of armor concept for heavy ascended pieces vs

Request for community events of the week/bi-week. Send us an email!


If you’ve got a burning question for our Ask an Asuran segment, please let us know!



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