Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter

Guild Wars Reporter Episode 91 - I want unicorns!

January 20, 2014

Celeste and Allona track Scarlet and offer up some ideas as to what we’ll be seeing from Arenanet in the “feature-only releases” coming later this year.

Listen now:

What We Did This Week



  • More alt-ing

  • One diving goggles left for cheevo! Which one? Aetherblade of course! (note: I may never succeed on this one if I’m unable do it with a team of three mesmers).

  • Working on Fashion title. It’s haaaard (and by ‘hard’ I mean expensive).



  • Toypocalypse (nearly done with wintersday cheevos, definitely cutting it close!)

  • Aetherblade/Not So Secret (puzzle but not goggles)


Report from Lion’s Arch


The Madness Trailer

  • what the hell is up with the VO for this?! (Allona: Ominous! I like it!)

  • Two new world bosses – Three-headed jungle wurm in Bloodtide and Clockwork Marionette in Lornar’s Pass

  • Marionette appears to be part of the Thump, Thump, Time to Jump line from the metronome (Allona: aren’t both bosses part of this? Wurm unintended though?)

  • Someone figured out where the new world bosses will be by the angle of the shots in the trailer (Celeste – All I can think of is, “Crap, no WP near the wormâ€) (Allona: I think the wurm is in a couple locations?)

“You thought that was it for Guild Wars 2?â€

  • Sales are in decline but the game is still poised to release in Asia (as well as other regions)

  • Are the two “big background projects†expansions? God, I hope so! (Allona: Not sure really what else they could be)

    • “The thing that we haven’t decided yet,” he went on, “is what form that type of content will take. Is it right for Guild Wars 2 for that kind of boxed expansion? Is it right for that to be something we add, live, through storylines in the game? Is that something we want to sell through our in-game store? There are a lot of different options available to us.â€

    • “… but we absolutely are going to do sweeping new features that you would traditionally only get in expansions – large regions, content and progression additions to your characters in the form of growth and professions and races. Those are all things that you will see in the lifespan of Guild Wars 2.”

  • We know the feature-rich patch will be coming in April most likely as the living world wraps up with its final release (for season 1) on march 4th

  • Author says he was told everything that will be happening the next few patches, don’t you just want to invade his brain and find out? Even if you couldn’t tell anyone? (Allona: YES!)

  • “ArenaNet has “a couple of issues” to address with WVW before another league begins. “And once that’s live,” said Johanson, “we’ll start the next season.”†So I guess we won’t be starting on a yearly schedule with the WvW season starting in October.

  • “.. get serious about eSports?†basically Colin’s response is China, soon.

  • No Steam controllers and unlikely that GW2 will be moving to consoles anytime before GW2 is in all regions (if you read between the lines on the answer though he does specifically mention China’s)

  • commenter hits the nail on the head for me (Celeste) “Found the living world thing far too much of a chore. I want to play and experience all the game has to offer on my schedule, not the developers.†THIS. THIS. A 1000 TIMES THIS. (Allona: I don’t mind it, but I think timing can be improved for sure … learning curve and all that. If they compare it to a TV season, then I think following that sort of schedule could work.)


New Gemstore Items

  • Metallurgic Dye Kits – Pretty, but RNG makes me (Allona) stabby

  • Basic Node Pack – (Celeste: I’m angry about this. How long until we get an “Advanced†node pack with T6?) (Allona: A little too basic for my liking. My bank is already overflowing with this tier)

  • Metabolic Primer – Makes food effects last as long as the primer. Kind of neat.

  • Dulfy’s shortcut list with dye previews and stuffs … the very technical ‘stuffs’!


Dolyak Express and Many Questions So Dev (because doge is okay apparently)

  • (Allona: OMG. The pic of Colin! Love it!)

  • I loved Scarlet before I learned about her background. Her studying in all 3 Asura universities and in a short amount of time kind of killed the character for me. Was it really necessary to have her finish her studies in all three universities? How relevant do you consider it for the whole plot? “Without too many spoilers, I can only say that yes this is an important part of the over-all plot… For future stories after the current one is completed we’ll work to get a more of the core plot out earlier so folks can get engaged earlier on. We’re also going to try and shorten up stories into more easy to digest chunks that have clear starts and ends…â€

  • New features coming in March? Short answer: They never said March.

  • Dwarves as a playable race? Not for a very long time, if ever.

  • Any plans to make condition builds more viable in PvE? â€Yes you should see some creatures targeted around weakness to condition in some of the early builds next year.â€

    • (Allona: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!)

  • Why is condition damage intentionally restricted? â€We don’t restrict condition damage in any intentional way there are limits to the number of stacks on a target and gadgets cannot be targeted with conditions both of these are more of a result of our tech. These are limitations that we often work around and we are always looking for more ways to make condition damage interesting across all game types.†~Isaiah Cartwright

  • There’s more on WvW, PvP, and Fractals …

  • Wow. A lot of really interesting questions here.

  • This may be my favourite question so far: “Do asura’s ears grow bigger during puberty?â€

  • Wait? What? I missed this totally! If this is true (since the answer isn’t from a dev) … Malchor, you ol’ dog! (Celeste: Ermahgerd!)

    • Q: Chrispy.5641: The lore concerning Grenth is not very clear. In the Wiki, it says that Grenth was the child of Dwayna and a Mortal, but its difficult to find any reference to that specifically in either game. So, Was he a god from birth, or did he start out as a mortal half-god (or just mortal) until he defeated Dhuum and took his place? And was his father a human?

      A: Konig Des Todes.2086: It’s not on the wiki, but it’s mentioned by Priestess Rhie during Cathedral of Silence personal story step if you talk to her before finishing the step. She says he was a half-god that rose to godhood and that his father was a “mortal sculptor.â€


Ask An Asuran


Could we lose Lion’s Arch?


  • Hey all, Like many of you, I’m quite excited to see where the next 4 patches will take us in terms of the living world. Not only that, I’ve been trying to figure out if there were any particular hints about what is going to happen from the trailer they released a few days ago. Everyone seems to mention the broken Asura Gate and also seems to think this will be linked to an attack on Lion’s Arch. I’ve been speculating about something for a couple of days and figured I’d get your point of view on this. What if we don’t just get attacked, but we lose Lion’s Arch? Not forever, but maybe for a while. Everyone is forced to retreat to their own capitals, build up their army again and once they are ready, strike back at Scarlet and retake our main hub. They could incorporate the members of Destiny’s Edge to lead the charge for each of the corresponding homesteads. I think this could really shake things up a bit, as we’ve grown so accustomed to having Lion’s Arch there for us, as a safe haven and central hub for communication and trade, that it would be seriously crippling to lose it.

    • Allona: Could people with a permanent Royal Pass to DR have an advantage if LA goes away? Also what about the shortcut through the Mists to LA?

    • Celeste: I think for the fact that the personal story is tied into Lion’s Arch so much that it’s unlikely to actually happen. Would I want it to happen, yes, absolutely. I think it would be an amazing thing if like one commenter suggested they do a revamp on the city that will show a lot of changes and be more streamlined for the players that have slower systems. I know people even on the mid-high end of PC gaming see significant drops in FPS quality when they are simply standing in LA.


C4rb1n3 from the chatroom asked… ”Hey there, I have a question for you guys. Since GvG was a staple in GW1, do you think it will return to GW2?”

Tales of Tyria


KasJory fanart

(Allona: heeheehee)


Tyria in the Kitchen: Blueberry Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream


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