

Live Event: GutwiZdom for Wellness! (GutwiZdom Episode 051)

September 25, 2017


Your health is your wealth! This week’s show is live from the WCBS Adorama Theatre!

Do you find it challenging to be your absolute best, physically, mentally, or emotionally? This special episode, recorded in front of a live audience at the WCBS Adorama Theatre, covers health and wellness, symptoms, disorders, and what you can do to make a change toward a healthier lifestyle. Our panel of experts include:
Dr. Michael Gelb: Renowned sleep expert from The Gelb Center
Martha McKittrick: Nationally recognized nutrition expert from Martha McKittrick Nutrition
Debra Roberts: Relationship health expert and author of The Relationship Protocol
(listen to the show for much more!)
What are some symptoms of a more serious problem that you might not know you have?
Dr. Gelb: If you’re fatigued, irritable, moody, or anxious, it could be a sign of a sleep problem. It’s not the amount of sleep, although how many hours you get is important, but it’s the quality of the sleep you’re getting. Taking a home sleep test, like the ones given at The Gelb Center, can help measure how much oxygen you’re getting and how much time you’re spending in deep sleep. A big sign that you may have a more serious problem is if you’re waking up and you feel like you had a good night’s sleep, but you’re still not feeling refreshed.
Martha: Like Dr. Gelb said, if you’re feeling fatigued and you’re getting good sleep, it might be a sign of a thyroid problem, which you should get checked out, or anemia could be the cause of your fatigue. Excessive thirst or excessive hunger could be a sign of diabetes, along with rapid weight loss or trouble losing weight.
Deidre added: A lot of people can chalk all these things up to stress, but do we use stress as an excuse? We can’t continue to blame everything on stress, we have to get to the root cause.
Debra: Relationship disorders can either be subtle or obvious. The obvious signs are doors being slammed, lots of arguing, or being rude to each other. When the problems become less obvious like the constant desire to win, all the focus on “me”, lacking communication, fear of confrontation, keeping all of your emotions in, these things can all affect the relationship in a negative way. Also, constant bickering is a problem if it’s all you do because nothing ever gets resolved.
What are some of the common disorders that you see in your field of expertise?
Dr. Gelb: Sleep Apnea is a very common disorder we see. Resisted breathing, mouth breathing, snoring, or insomnia, are all signs that you might have trouble with your airway and it’s effecting your sleep hygiene.
Martha: Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating are some of the common disorders. Disordered eating, like an obsession with healthy eating, can also be a problem when it starts to interfere with the quality of your life. It’s all about having the right balance, eating in moderation and less processed foods. What’s important is that it has to be healthy, and it has to be something you can stick to.
Debra: The biggest relationship disorder is emotional abuse. When people are feeling disrespected or treated improperly, we have to remember how we are making the other person feel. The key is how we speak to each other. Having emotional intelligence, having trust, recognizing that the way we say it matters, and being open to feedback are all ways to improve dysfunctional relationships.
What is one thing that we can do today to make an improvement in our health and wellness?
Dr. Gelb: Start earlier!