Guru for God

Be Your Self
Be Your Self.
You have ideas about yourself,
About who you are , in terms of your experiences:
The experience of your family, or the work you do, or the ideas you hold dear, or how you live your life.
You may define yourself in these terms,
But these terms are relative and always changing.
We live in the relative field of Creation.
The world we live in is the relative field.
The relative field is always changing.
It is bounded by space, time and causation.
It is limited.
It is full of phenomenal forms that are perishable and always changing.
If you are going to define yourself on this surface value of life,
It will be a limited definition of who you are;
A limited understanding of yourself.
Your Self is Atma,
The Sanskrit word for Self.
Atma is That Field of the Absolute that underlies the relative field;
That sources the relative field.
Atma is never changing, imperishable, unbounded, unmanifest Pure Consciousness.
It is That Field of Divine Being.
Atma, your Self, manifests as Creation,
Manifests as the relative field.
That is your Self:
It is so much greater than your small self here in the world.
Your great Self is absolute;
It is imperishable;
It has always been
And it will always be.
This is who you are.
But your Self is hidden or covered here in the world.
There is so much activity, so much constant change in the relative field,
So many thoughts of your mind,
That Atma is covered or hidden;
Your Self is covered or hidden by all the activity here in the world.
There is a way to experience your Self,
To know who you really are.
When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field,
That goes beyond all the thoughts of your mind,
Then the experience is Atma:
Self Consciousness, That Field of the Absolute, Pure Consciousness, Divine Being.
When the relative field is transcended,
The Self reveals ItSelf to ItSelf by ItSelf.
Experience of your Self brings great harmony to your life here in the world,
When you return to the consciousness of the relative field: to waking, dreaming or sleeping .
The infusion of Atma from the experience of your Self,
Cultures your mind and your physiology.
In time, when you have a regular Meditation Practice and you transcend repeatedly,
Your mind and your physiology rise to That status of Self.
You have the experience of Self from your practices,
And the understanding of the teaching that your Self is completely separate from all the activity of the ever changing relative field.
You are established in your Self.
You hold the Consciousness of Self always, alongside the consciousness of the relative field.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
Maharishi teaches it is your birthright as a human being to gain the state of Enlightenment.
Be your Self.