Guru for God

Do the Right Thing
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There are many of us who would like to do the right thing here in the world.
We think carefully about what we are going to do and why we are going to do it.
But it is not possible to know all the circumstances that could influence a decision you make,
And why it might be right or wrong.
Moreover, each of us is in a different place of evolution in our lives.
Our Consciousness is different.
What seems right to one person will not seem right to another.
How can you promote your ability to do the right thing,
To bring evolution, harmony and life supporting influences to you and to this world?
The world we live in is the relative field of Creation, the field of diversity.
There are boundaries of space, time and causation.
There are ever changing phenomenal forms that come and go.
That is why it is so difficult to determine what the right thing to do is,
Because circumstances are always changing here in the relative field.
There is another Field, however, that underlies this relative field.
That Field is Absolute Unity:
The Unified Field of Natural Law.
Here in the relative field,
Natural Law governs the evolution of all of Creation.
The Unified Field of Natural Law is That Field of the Absolute.
It is Pure Consciousness, Divine Being.
It never changes.
It is unmanifest.
There are no boundaries.
This is the Unified Field of Natural Law.
If you want to make the right decisions in your life and do the right thing,
You must be anchored in That Unified Field of Natural Law.
Then you get all the support of Natural Law to do the right thing.
Your actions are spontaneous right action.
You always naturally do the right thing.
You are in alignment with Natural Law.
How can you gain the support of Natural Law in your life?
You need to develop a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field,
That goes beyond this relative field of diversity with all its changes and boundaries.
Then the experience is the Field of the Absolute,
The Unified Field of Natural Law.
This is Pure Consciousness, Divine Being.
That experience infuses your mind and your physiology, bringing great evolution to you.
In time, with repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice,
You become established in That Unified Field of Natural Law,
Established in Pure Consciousness.
Then you live the Divine Being of That Field all the time as you live your life here in the world.
You are established in That Unified Field of Natural Law;
And all the support of Natural Law is given you.
Then you make the right choices;
Choices that lead to actions supporting your evolution and the evolution of all of Creation.
These are the decisions you want to make;
The things you want to do.
These are spontaneous right actions.
Develop your Meditation Practice that transcends.
Become established in the Unified Field of Natural Law That is your Self.
Rise to That level of Being,
That level of Consciousness where you always do the right thing.