Guru for God

Knowing Brahman. Who is Guru for God 3
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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is my Guru for God.
He teaches about God as He teaches about meditation.
This is part 3 of Who Is Guru for God.
The following is a short summary of parts 1 and 2.
Maharishi’s first teaching about God
Is that Impersonal, Universal God
Is realized in the Transcendent.
When you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field,
Then the experience is of Universal God.
This is the first realization of God.
In time, when you have a regular Meditation Practice,
Your mind and your physiology are so transformed by that experience of Universal God,
That they rise to That status of the Self,
The Self That is Universal God.
Then you are established in your Self.
You know your Self to be completely separate from all the activity of the relative field.
You hold two States of Consciousness simultaneously:
Consciousness of Universal God
At the same time as consciousness of the relative field.
With That Consciousness of Universal God,
You live God here in the world as you go about your life.
Now God realization is permanent.
You are permanently in Union with Universal God.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
Your heart and your mind are so infused with
That fullness, That Wholeness of Divine Being,
That you are now capable of realizing your Personal God here in the relative field.
Whereas Universal, impersonal God is realized in the Transcendent.
Your Personal God is realized here in the world.
Your Personal God might be Buddha or Krishna,
Or Christ or Maharishi,
Or any other fully realized human being.
Your Personal God is realized first on the level of feelings,
Your feelings of love and devotion;
Then on the level of your thinking,
And finally on the level of your senses.
All your senses perceive the glory of your Personal God manifest here in the world.
Now you hold the Consciousness of Self
Alongside the consciousness of the finest Celestial values of the relative field.
Those fine Celestial values are the perceptions of your Personal God made manifest here in the world.
This is God Consciousness,
The second stage of Enlightenment.
It is the realization of your Personal God here in the world.
God realization continues to evolve.
Maharishi teaches next about the realization of Brahman.
The knowing of Brahman.
Brahman is the Lord of Lords.
They hold the fullness,
The Wholeness of the Absolute and the relative fields together,
Within Them.
They connect the gulf of separation between the Absolute and the relative.
Brahman presides over both eternal fields:
Absolute and relative.
Brahman is Totality.
In time, God Consciousness evolves to
Brahmi Chetana,
Unity Consciousness.
In the first stage of Enlightenment,
There is duality of Self and relative.
In the second stage of Enlightenment,
God Consciousness,
There is duality of Self and finest relative.
But in time, both the Self and Consciousness of the finest relative,
Dissolve into one Consciousness:
Unity Consciousness,
The Consciousness of Brahman alone,
The knowing of Brahman.
The fullness of your devotion to your Personal God,
Finds its dissolution in Brahman.
First, you see all beings, the entire relative field of Creation within your Self.
The finest Celestial impulses are so faint ,
You realize they are nothing but the Self.
Now the entire relative field is seen within the Self.
And then the Self is seen in Brahman.
There is dissolution of the Consciousness of Self and relative,
Dissolution of your Personal God,
Into the Wholeness ,
The Totality of Brahman.
Now you know Brahman.
Anyone who knows Brahman
Is no longer anyone.
The Knower of Brahman
Is Brahman.
This is the final God realization:
Rising to Brahmi Chetana,
Unity Consciousness,
The Consciousness of Brahman alone;
Brahman who holds the fullness of
The Absolute and the relative within.