Guru for God

Expand Your Awareness
Expand Your Awareness.
Here in your life, you may be someone who is particularly aware,
Aware of events that are happening around you and in the world at large;
Aware of people around you, of what they are thinking, what they are feeling, what they mean when they speak to you;
Aware of things that you want and how to go about getting them;
You could be quite aware of all the circumstances surrounding you.
But this awareness is still limited.
It is the awareness of the relative field of Creation,
Awareness of this world that we live in.
The awareness of the relative field is limited.
The relative field is bounded by space, time and causation.
It is manifest with phenomenal forms that are perishable and ever evolving.
It is eternally changing within its boundaries and limitations.
All these limitations of the relative field define your awareness of the world.
You experience the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
Your awareness lies in the waking and dreaming states of consciousness.
There is no awareness in deep sleep.
But there is another reality of life that underlies the relative field of Creation.
That Field is Absolute.
It is Pure Consciousness,
With unbounded Awareness.
There are no boundaries in the Field of the Absolute;
Just the expansion of unbounded Awareness.
That Field is unmanifest.
And it is never changing.
It is the Silence of Bliss Consciousness,
Of unbounded Awareness.
That Field of the Absolute is the Field of Unity.
Yet It sources all the diversity,
All the ever changing perishable diversity of the relative field.
The unbounded Awareness of the Field of the Absolute is what you want to experience.
With regular experience of That Field of Unity,
You are transformed.
To gain the experience of unbounded Awareness,
You need a Meditation Practice with a technique that allows you to transcend the relative field.
You transcend all the limited thoughts of your mind,
And experience the Absolute Field,
With its Absolute unbounded Awareness,
Wholeness and Totality.
That experience of unbounded Awareness
Cultures your mind and your physiology.
It brings more harmony to your life here in the world;
More contentment to your mind.
The experience of unbounded Awareness in your Meditation Practice
Brings you more support of Natural Law
To fulfill your desires.
With Nature’s support, you have more happiness, more power, more intelligence.
These good influences come from your experience of unbounded Awareness in your Meditation Practice.
Do your practices.
Expand your limited awareness to unbounded Awareness.
Gain more fulfillment in your life,
And bring more fulfillment to the world you live in.