Guru for God

God’s Will Is Evolution
God’s Will Is Evolution.
Many of us have said a prayer that includes the phrase:
Let Thy will be done.
What is God’s will?
Maharishi teaches that the will of God is evolution;
Evolution to more happiness,
More awareness,
Evolution to more progress in life.
The evolution of Creation is governed by Laws of Nature that create, evolve and dissolve the material world,
And all the infinities of Universes.
These planes of existence are the places where the individuated Consciousness evolves
Through its many lifetimes;
Perhaps from a speck of matter in the atmosphere,
To the fully realized human being
Here on the terrestrial planes.
That is a lot of evolution,
A lot of change,
A lot of progress,
From the most basic, inert forms of life,
To the fully realized human being.
Not only are there many lifetimes as human beings,
There were many lifetimes with different life forms before one became a human being;
Lifetimes throughout all the created world,
Experiencing all of what it means to be that particular form of life;
And finally evolution of the individuated Consciousness to lives as a human being here on a terrestrial plane like Earth.
All of this evolution is governed by Laws of Nature.
The Laws of Nature are the Vedas,
Ancient texts cognized by ancient Seers.
Maharishi teaches that it is not the meaning of the words that matters;
It is the sounds and vibrations of the words.
These sounds and vibrations collapse into all the energies and matters of our infinities of Universes.
Each of these Universes can have different Laws of Nature for the purpose of evolution.
There are different Laws of Nature governing terrestrial planes like Earth,
Than those governing astral planes, or causal planes;
Laws governing the evolution of life in these planes from Creation to dissolution,
Laws governing all evolution through the Wholeness of the Absolute,
The Wholeness of Divine Being
That sources all of the created world.
The Laws of Nature are the first manifestation of the relative field,
Emerging as sounds and vibrations in a sequential manner,
With reference to what has come before,
And with reference to the Wholeness of Divine Being,
Creating the full range of life in the relative field.
These Laws of Nature are in place to ensure that the evolution of Creation is in that stream towards Higher States of Consciousness;
That the evolution of Creation is about progress;
About the expansion of happiness,
And the expansion of awareness.
When one is fortunate enough to have a lifetime as a human being with a Meditation Practice that transcends,
Then that evolution to Higher States of Consciousness,
To the expansion of awareness,
Is enhanced.
You are on the highway of evolution.
Develop a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field of Creation,
That goes beyond your mind,
To experience That which underlies the created world,
To experience the Divine Being of the Field of the Absolute,
Divine Being That is power, intelligence,
That is Bliss Consciousness .
The more that you transcend in your Meditation Practice,
And experience Bliss Consciousness,
The Wholeness of Divine Being
That underlies the relative field,
The more that you bring that power, happiness and intelligence
Into your life here in the world.
The more you develop your individuated Consciousness,
Evolving your mind and physiology,
The more that you expand your awareness.
By evolving your individuated Consciousness,
You bring evolution to the Common Consciousness,
The collection of all the individuated Consciousnesses in Creation.
Your doing your Meditation Practice and transcending regularly ,
Influences your evolution to bring more expansion of happiness and awareness
For you and for all of Creation.
This is God’s will:
Do your Meditation Practice and transcend.