Guru for God

Who Is Guru For God?
Who Is Guru For God?
My Guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, teaches about God,
As He teaches about meditation.
He is Guru for God.
There are many different practices of meditation,
Where there is no discussion or teaching about God.
But when you have a Meditation Practice that transcends,
God is the experience;
The experience is of Universal God.
Maharishi’s first teaching about God,
In the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters,
Is that when you transcend in your Meditation Practice,
The experience is of Universal God.
The world that we live in,
Our Universe and our infinities of Universes,
This is all the relative field of Creation.
The relative field is eternally changing;
It is eternally evolving to its fulfillment;
It is manifest with phenomenal forms that are ever changing;
And it is bounded by space, time and causation.
But what underlies this relative field,
Is That Field of the Absolute
That is Universal God.
That Field is eternally never changing;
It is unmanifest and unbounded;
It is That Field of the Absolute:
Your Self.
The Sanskrit word Atma means Self.
That Absolute Field of Universal God is your Self.
The first experience of God
Is transcending in your Meditation Practice.
Universal God is the Transcendent.
It is Pure Consciousness gained when you transcend in your Meditation Practice.
The consciousness of the relative field when we experience the world,
Is waking, dreaming or sleeping.
These are the first three states of consciousness.
But there are other Higher States of Consciousness.
The Transcendent is the fourth state of Consciousness,
And the first of the Higher States.
The Transcendent is experienced when you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice;
You transcend all the thoughts of your mind;
And experience Universal God;
Gain Union with Universal God.
When you return to your consciousness of the relative field,
That experience of Universal God is infused in your mind, your physiology and your heart;
That infusion of the experience of Universal God transforms you.
It brings more harmony to your life here in the world.
It brings more life supporting decisions that you make,
Life supporting for you ,
And life supporting for everyone,
For all of Creation.
The first experience of God is in the Transcendent.
When you transcend in your Meditation Practice,
The Consciousness is of Universal God.
That experience transforms you.
In time, when you have a regular Meditation Practice and transcend repeatedly,
Your mind and physiology are so transformed by all the experience of Universal God,
That you rise to That status of the Transcendent;
You rise to That status of your Self;
You become established in your Self;
And no experience of the relative field can change that.
Now Union with Universal God is permanent.
You hold the Consciousness of God at the same time as the consciousness of the relative field.
You hold these two States of Consciousness simultaneously.
You are permanently united with Universal God.
You live God here in the world as you go about your life.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
And God continues to reveal Themself to you,
As you continue your Meditation Practice with love and devotion.