Guru for God

We Have Many Lifetimes as Human Beings
We have many lifetimes as human beings.
The purpose of these many lifetimes is to evolve to Higher States of Consciousness.
In the early lifetimes, life is brutal and short.
Then evolution brings increasingly better, happier lifetimes;
To lifetimes where we finally make the choice to begin a Meditation Practice.
All of this evolution through our many lifetimes is governed by the Law of Karma.
Karma ensures that all the lifetimes remain in the stream of evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.
The Law of Karma states:
As you sow, so shall you reap.
You perform an action, and there are consequences of that action.
The influences of the consequences of your actions leave impressions on your mind;
From these impressions, new desires arise leading to further actions.
Some of the Karma returning to you from past actions can be very hard to endure.
There is a way, however, that you can influence your Karma,
To unfold its better possibilities:
Develop a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field.
The relative field is the created world that we live in;
Our Universe and the infinities of Universes.
When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice,
You go beyond the field of Creation;
You go beyond your mind.
Then the experience is of Wholeness;
The Wholeness of Divine Being.
Karma unfolds with reference to what has come before,
With reference to your past actions;
But also with reference to Wholeness;
To the Wholeness of Divine Being That is the Transcendent.
The Transcendent is the fourth State of Consciousness;
And the first State of Higher Consciousness.
That experience of Wholeness when you transcend in your Meditation Practice,
Infuses your mind,
Transforming your mind and physiology.
With that reference to the Wholeness of the Transcendent in your Meditation Practice,
The better possibilities of your Karma are going to come back to you.
Now your actions are going to be more life supporting for you, for everyone, and for all of Creation.
Your actions will be more in the direction of evolution.
A Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field
Brings all these benefits to you;
And brings good , positive influences to everyone here in the world,
And to the entire Universe.
Better possibilities of your Karma
Make your life better;
And make the world a better place.
Karma governs our many lifetimes to ensure evolution to happier lifetimes,
And finally evolution to Higher States of Consciousness.
When you develop your Meditation Practice
To transcend regularly and repeatedly,
Then your life, your mind and your physiology are so transformed,
That in time, you rise to That status of the Transcendent That is Divine Being.
You are established in the Transcendent.
You hold the Consciousness of the Transcendent always,
At the same time as you hold consciousness of the relative field.
You hold two States of Consciousness simultaneously.
This is the first stage of Enlightenment.
Then you are no longer bound by the Law of Karma.
You must live out the Karma you brought into this lifetime with you,
But no more future Karma will be created.
You are freed from the cycle of birth and death as a human being on terrestrial planes.
Now evolution will be on higher planes of existence,
Where the lifetimes are much longer and happier.