Guru for God

Unity and Non Duality - Guru for God
Unity and Non-Duality.
There are different teachings and different understandings of Unity and non- duality.
Advaita teaches that all is One;
All is Brahman.
This world we live in, and what we perceive with our senses and the thoughts of our minds,
This is all Maya:
That which is not.
The entire created Universe, our planet Earth, our own lives and loved ones,
Our bodies and minds,
All the physical structures of the world,
All this is Maya:
That which is not.
All of Creation is Brahman;
All is One.
This is non-duality:
There is nothing but Brahman.
Advaita teaches that Unity Consciousness ,
That non-duality,
Is knowing that all is Brahman.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is my Guru.
His teaching, in the tradition of the Ancient Vedic Masters,
Is different from the teaching of Advaita.
Maharishi teaches there are two Realities of Life:
The Reality of That never changing Absolute Field of Divine Being;
And the Reality of this ever changing relative field of phenomenal forms and boundaries.
Purnamadah, Purnamidam.
That is full and this is full.
Maharishi teaches that the relative field,
The created world that we live in,
With its infinities of Universes,
Our own Universe and planet Earth,
All of the life here,
Is the Reality of the relative field;
And it is full.
We perceive things with our senses,
We understand things with our minds,
This is all experience of the relative field.
We experience the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
These are the first three states of consciousness.
There is a fourth state of Consciousness:
The Transcendent That is the Field of the Absolute.
In Maharishi’s teaching,
The Transcendent is Atma, the Self;
It is Divine Being;
It is Universal God.
Universal God underlies and sources all the Created World;
It is the essential constituent of the created world.
It is That reality.
Maharishi teaches that both the Absolute and the relative Realities are full.
The main difference between what Maharishi teaches and what Advaita teaches is the following:
Maharishi teaches that this relative field of Creation is One of the two Realities.
Advaita teaches that it is Maya,
That which is not.
Maharishi teaches that when you have a Meditation Practice that transcends the relative field,
The experience is of non-duality,
The Unity of Divine Being That is your Self.
That experience influences you when you return to your experience of the relative field:
It transforms your mind,
And transforms your physiology.
In time, with regular and repeated transcending in your Meditation Practice,
Your mind and your physiology rise to That status of Divine Being That is your Self.
You are established in the Self.
You know your Self to be completely separate from the relative field.
You permanently hold the Consciousness of Self as you experience the relative field with the consciousness of waking, dreaming or sleeping.
You hold two States of Consciousness simultaneously.
This is the duality of Self alongside relative.
It is the first Stage of Enlightenment.
Then the love for and devotion to your Personal God develops and grows.
Your Personal God might be Christ, or Krishna,
Might be Buddha or Maharishi,
Or any other fully realized human being.
Your Personal God draws you to Themself;
And you worship Them with love and devotion .
This changes your perceptions of the relative field.
You perceive all of Creation in Its most fine, faint, Celestial values;
The Celestial values of your Personal God made manifest here in all the created world.
This is God Consciousness.
It is the second stage of Enlightenment.
It is the duality of Self alongside finest relative.
God Consciousness continues to develop to Unity Consciousness,
To Brahmi Chetana.
The Celestial relative values become so faint and fine that you realize:
All this is just my Self.
You see all beings in the Self;
And then the Self in your Personal God.
The Self gains the status of Brahman.
This is Unity Consciousness,
Brahmi Chetana.
This is non-duality.
This is the final stage of Enlightenment.
Maharishi teaches that Brahman has one foot in the relative and one foot in the Absolute;
And holds the fullness of both within.